


3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Cici

Gender: Female

Personality: Shy, Determined, Loyal, Caring, Kind

Power: Can change into any animal by touching a part of that animal(ie, a feather from a flamingo, a tooth from a crocodile, etc)

Family: Cara(mother, deceased), Trevor(father)

Age: 20


Cici was born in a happy family, until she turned two, they stayed happy. But sometime around her second birthday, her parents began to fight. One night, when she was 5, she heard a crash downstairs and ran to check it out. Her mother lay dead on the floor, and her father stood over her mother, panting and cursing.

Cici started to slowly back away, but she had already been seen. Her father cursed loudly and grabbed her by the arm. She fought back, terrified, but it didnt do her any good. He locked her in the basement, where she had a panic attack and sobbed for hours. A rag came a little too close for comfort, and she launched her leg out to kick it away. But when her bare foot touched the rat, she transformed into a rat. After panicking she realized she could use this to escape. She quickly worked her way under the door and escaped, and once she was outside, she ran up behind a human and touched them, transforming back.

Her father was arrested after her explanation of what went on, and she was sent into the foster system. She learned quickly to keep her powers hidden.

To this day, she is the only one that knows about her powers. And she plans to keep it that way. But that doesnt mean she cant use her powers for good. She often shifts into another animal's form when no one's looking so that she can save people in trouble. Everyone knows it's not just some animal saving them, but a hero, as no matter what she shifts into, her right eye is always purple. She wears her hair in such a way to cover it up when she's human.

The town calls her Animalia.