


3 years, 3 months ago


On the outskirts of town, or perhaps deep within a forest, is a large mansion. Situated on the grounds of a pet cemetery it almost always appears as though it’s night. These grounds are home to not just the dead, but a wide assortment of sinister and mostly mischievous groups of creatures, witches, and demons. While the mansion is definitely haunted the residents have already tamed or sealed any particularly bad spirits. 

Deadinné Vajarois, is one such denizen of the Haunted Mansion. She has claimed one of the rooms in the basement as her own, and it also acts as her workshop. She’s impish in nature and may sometimes feign meekness, but this normally means she’s plotting something. She’s a proficient Witch just like her mother, and loves creating new spells and potions. Her track record is very shaky as it normally causes trouble for the other residents of the mansion when it goes wrong (or right). Much to her displeasure as often as she comes up with a new spell she ends up needing to come up with a newer spell to undo the previous one. 

One of her greatest feats was when she gathered all the used candle wax and channeled life into it: creating Menace. While he was meant to be a guard for the mansion and herself she forgot to give him intelligence, and he sorta just lazes about now. Her biggest blunder was when a particularly messy curse backfired and she ended up cursing her right eye. 

The type that calls themselves a genius (“TEN-SAI DA!!”). While happy she’s the daughter of a very powerful witch, it also means she has some big shoes to fill. This leads to her rushing to reach the same level and results in her spells failing a lot- “They’re not failures! Some features just weren’t properly implemented!”

She’s found a kinship with one of the other witches, Fenri, and acts as her senior. She actually regrets this arrangement as it was initially brought on by Deadinné’s bragging, and her friend is... “always around...”

Extra Info:

Sharp Teeth

Right eye is completely black. When activated a blue or green iris appears