


7 years, 21 days ago





Born in Kanto (Fuchia City), lives in Johto (Olivine City)

   Paha poika




zubat-f.pngZubat(Jools): Reillys first pokemon and his number one partner, she usually isn't in her pokeball, but just chills on his shoulder, he prefers not to put her in to a battle.sandshrew.pngSandshrew: even tho Reilly often uses his digging abilities to break in to places with his team at work, he does really appreciate his little Sandshrew, and always praises him after they get home.

houndoom-f.pngHoundoom: One of the strongerst pokemons on Reillys team with Nidoking, and are usually the main attackers of his team, he loves to play fetch with Reilly.spinarak.pngSpinarak: The baby of the group, he is still in training and is the newest member of the team, Reilly kinda spoils him sometimes.
nidoking.pngNidoking: Other main attackers on the team, he is often pretty hostile towards other people, but they have a really deep bond with Reilly.

Drowzee: He is pretty much of a loner in the group, he enjoys most to spend time alone, but sometimes he just feels cuddly, he really wants to evolve soon and become strong, he is really loyal to Reilly and wants to show him how strong he can be.


175cm, 5'7
In a good shape, works out for his physical job as well as for looks.
  • three moles under right eye
  • heart shaped birthmark left on his jawline which he always hides with a plaster



  • passionate, when he wants or likes something, he does anything for it or them
  • pokerface, can play it of cool in pretty much any situation
  • silver tongue, can get out of most trouble just by talking
  • cocky, lets things easily go to his head
  • selfish, in most situations puts his own needs first
  • impatient, starts to act out when he feels something is too boring for him


  • Rollerskating, he usually goes skating instead of going for a walks, also never wears helmet..
  • Rollerskating, he usually goes skating instead of going for a walks, also never wears helmet..
  • Poke plushies
  • Crossword puzzles, but he usually stays focused only for a while
  • Flirting


  • Games he can't cheat in
  • Going into fancy resturants, he hates all the "you need to behave like this and dress like this" type on situations
  • Opera music, he finds it really boring and tidious
  • Spring time, there is too much three pollution and it gets too bright too early

 "Oh, the special forces are here to stop us, how nice~"

Reilly is kinda bad boy who plays cooler than he really is, at work he does his work well, is liked by co workers as a great and fun team member, even thought he often makes it clear that he feels like the missions are too simple and boring (at least till Team ARMOR is send after his team), and this sometimes makes his team members feel like he is being too cocky, he gives the picture of rather cold hearted guy who cares more about the money than the well being of pokemon or other human beings. 

Off duty he gets to be more himself, which is actually pretty decent guy, he is really easy going and relaxed, he really cares about his pokemon, sure he is no good doer on his free time either but doesn't see the need to be rude to others unless they are rude to him first. He does have a bit of a temper when someone is getting on his nerves, and has little impulse control or care for his own or others well beings when he gets into something, and often needs others to put the breaks on for him.

He is really flirty when it comes to pretty girls. With Cassie, who he really is just head over heels in love with, it's pretty easy for her to get her way, since she is the only one who he would want to keep happy, unfortunately for her tho, this may come at the cost of her needing to be there to tell him what is okay and what is not, due his unpredictable nature.









Strength 80%

Stamina 82%

Magic 0%

Resistance 0%

Accuracy 79%

Courage 76%

Strategy 70%

Luck 50%


He is a sporty boi




Reilly is from a rather poor family, they never had much of anything, her parents got divorced and Reillys and his mothers lives got even harder, his mother joined Team Rocket to make money for them, and got pretty respected in her work. Reilly followed his mothers footsteps to the same criminal organization even thou he didn't really care for it, he did his best for his mother which made her proud, and since he was doing so well, he didn't even have the confidence to say that he doesn't really care working there and as he got more into it, he got stuck on his job, he moved to Johto partially to get some new scenery and partially to get away from her mothers pressure.


From Reillys side, he was doing his job as usual, but one day, rumored "Team ARMOR" who were an organization fighting against criminal organizations appeared on the mission to mess things up, for Reilly, this was the first time in a long time that he felt exited of something, as this new cat and mouse game brought a whole new game to the missions, and he soon got into a habit of teasing and annoying the member who he thought was cutest (at least the parts that could be seen under her mask and gear). 






Love interest

They met at the town where Reilly was doing his own things (as well as maybe a bit of scouting for jobs on the side), and he was unaware of someone keeping a look on him, since he couldn't recognize any of the Team ARMOR workers on their civilian clothing. He wondered off to the crowd for a bit but soon saw a girl falling over, and managed to catch her before she could hit the ground, now staring at the face of the prettiest girl he had seen, Reilly smiled and decided to crack a funny pick up line of "Wow. Haven't even known each other for 10 seconds and you've already fallen for me!", which lucky for him, made her laugh, when Cassies friend Starla came over and saw the situation, she without thinking asked her if this was the guy she was trying to look out for, making Reilly both surprised but happy as well, cos... Why would he complain over pretty girl being on a look for him. He had a bit mixed feeling for her for a while after finding out she was actually the agent out to fight against him after Cassies pokemon Minnie ended up blowing her cover, causing Reilly to doubt the whole relationship they had had so far outside of the work, thinking she may had been simply using him to get info for her team, and ignored all her tries to contact him for a while, until she showed at his door and he finally couldn't get himself to close the door on her. Cassie tried to explain the best she could how she was not trying to use him, and even if at first she was tailing him for the job, that changed after some time, and as though as he tried to play listening to her, seeing how sad she truly seemed, broke him and he couldn't help but believe her, being relieved he didn't have to loose her after all. Reilly often feels a worried after saying or doing something stupid or selfish around Cassie, since he is worried that someday she will get tired of him and leave, but.. He thinks teasing is too much fun and its just in his nature to do that, and he trusts Cassie to be the kind to tell him when he is going too far.




Reilly doesn't have much in common with her, but honestly, he is grateful for her seeing that in a way she did play a part in him ending up with Cassie, and later learning that it was a lot thanks to her that Cassie was able to overcome her own insecurities about their relationship in whole. Reilly loves to tease Starla due her being so easy to trick, but it's easy to tell he is always going easy on her, admitting that he wouldn't have the heart to mess with the group softie too much. He loves how motherly she is and by some miracle, makes him feel like he should help around with all the shores more whenever she is around visiting.




Reilly feels really nervious around him at times, knowing that he used to be a king of a team protecting pokemon, while he belongs to a team basically enslaving them.. He is glad no one has told N about his work and would prefer it staying that way. He can see that Starla is happy with him, but sometimes feels like N should give her more attention than he does, and eventually when they all know each other better, he also points this out to him, which Reilly is not sure if N really took to a heart or not, but he seemed to be thinking about it, he also sometimes tells about something cute or fun he did with Cassie in hopes of nudging him to maybe try and do something nice for her. They may not be on the same page on a lot of things, but seem to have made their "friendship" work for what it is.












Reilly loves and respects his mom, he always looked up to her for working so hard to earn them a living, but he is a bit annoyed of how passionate she became about Team Rocket, and how much she expects Reilly to accomplish in the team.