


7 years, 22 days ago

Basic Info


Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword










Helper at the shoemaker shop, and a tailor student


Light green.


Snappy tailor.


Height: 167cm, 5'5

Weight: 65kg, 143lbs

Built: B-bust, wide hips, pretty strong but doesn't have showing muscle really.

Hair: sand blond.

Eyes: gray.

Skin: slight tan, freckled.

Piercings/tattoos: none

Clothing: self made, mori style.


Katla is mostly calm and focused, but explodes when annoyed and is easy to whack someone when seriously angered, she isn't too easy to annoy tho which is lucky for those who she doesn't exatly get along with, but sadly the calm surface she keeps on for most of the time, it is really hard to tell when you are getting close to the line that will make her emotions to jump right from the one corner to the next. 

Katla likes to tease her brother and friends a bit, but in the end she is a motherly person, always making sure everyone has clean clothes on and have been sleeping and eating well. She is very loyal to people important to her and very good at keeping secrets, you can always share your worries with her, but might not really get any good advice on how to deal with it.


+ good with kids.

- hot headed


- She is a light sleeper, she needs to make her room as dark as possible, and she usually sleeps curled up under her blanket and she wakes up to all distractions.

- She doesn't like looking people in the eyes.

- chews on her hair.

- When angry, she throws little objects and yells at the person she is angry to.


+ Telling stories, she loves to tell and listen to all sorts of stories and tales.

+ Going for flight with her loftwing, she loves to fly as fast as possible, she enjoys the speed, and so does her loftwing.

+ Sitting on highest spots on sunny days.

+ creating new designs and choosing fabrics.

+ Sweets.

- Cold mornings.

- People being too loud or rude, she gets really annoyed by those.

- Ghost stories

- Being touched when she is trying to sleep.


Katla was always a bit problematic kid, she had temperament issues and she always wanted to be alone rather than in groups, because of her bursts of temper, not many really even wanted to spent time with her. Katla calmed down a lot after she started to take care of her little brother, they became really close and Katla became really protective of Daud, she also found her passion for tailoring at pretty young age, but started to work on her skills more in her teens.

Gratitude guest




Mother: She loves her mom but does often get in to an arguments with her, her mom always seems to praise Daud up but often thinks Katla should be more kind and helpful, Katla thinks she is helpful plenty enought as she is, even if she tends to complain a lot.

Father: their father is actually pretty cautious around Katla, he often has walked in the middle of mother vs daughter yelling war, and has found it best to try to stay out of it, sometimes he does get his part of Katlas strong wording due him trying to push Daud too much.

DaudDaud is Katlas dear little brother, Katla is often worried of him and tends to treat him like a kid and annoy him with that, she likes to tease him, but does make sure no one bullies him. She is really protective of him, since they have been pretty much best friends for all their life, Daud is the only person she can actually be completely herself with. 


Link: Katla likes him, she doesn't really know him too well as a person since she always used to keep her distance, she would often worry about his well being tho, specially after seeing him snoozing off outdoors, when ever she meets him, she tries to make sure everything is fine with him. She does find his determination admirable.

Zelda: She loves her style, she likes Zelda a lot for her personality as well, Katla would love to make dresses for her. Katla does look up to Zelda a lot despite her being younger.



- She hates her hair when its open, since its terribly poofy

- She gets more freckles in the sun, but loves sun too much to care about her skin.