Elk 🌻 (Character Notes)



Name: Elk
Species: Mimic
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"

An unruly hooligan infamous among locals for causing mischief. Often gets into fights with other lowlifes. Likes pulling pranks on others and causing low-level vandalism, spray painting buildings, terrorizing civilians with water balloons, and other childish antics. She is surprisingly atheletic, her build is tall and slender with a bit of muscle though it's hard to tell because she wears such baggy clothes that hide her physique. She's atheletic enough to perform impressive feats of parkour when she needs to make a quick getaway. Often travels by rollerblading.

Elk's graffiti tag

Like all mimics, her abilities depend on her chosen outfit. She prefers to take the appearance of a bear, granting her a powerful punch attack.

Originally a NEET who dropped out of high school. After growing tired of being teased for being a drop-out, she eventually cheated to complete her GED. For various convoluted reasons she decides to enroll at the local college, and though she's a rather poor student she manages to squeak by in her classes without cheating this time. She's very proud of herself for getting through her first year!

Often tutored by her studious best friend and roommate, Chloe

"Look, Chloe! I passed!"

Once defended the Kemono Cafe from a group of aggressive thugs that were threatening it. Elk first blinded them with "Stinksquid Ink" shot from a squirtgun, and then pummeled the temporarily-disabled aggressors with her giant bear fists. After this incident she begins working part time at the Cafe.

She takes her job at the Kemono Cafe very seriously. Very hard-working, gets along well with the other employees. Despite being rough around the edges, she sees them as her comrades and thus treats them with respect.

Sometimes carries a baseball bat which she uses as a weapon in addition to her powerful fists.