Allura Nathara



3 years, 3 months ago




Name: Allura Nathara

Aliases: The Prom Queen

Gender: Female

Age: 22


  • Physical Description:
    • (Regular Outfit) Her face is a cream-colored mask with three protruding spikes, that bears a pink gem at the central point. She occasionally adorns several similar masks on the rest of her body, with some slight variation. She usually always wear rose-printed imagery on her jewelry and outfits, and gloves to cover her hands. Her dark maroon-magenta hair is often styled in various designs, though she prefers curly drill-like hair. 
    • (Her outfits vary from time to time)
  • Personality & Bio:
    • A recently suspected serial killer, with no regard for anyone but herself. She's impulsive and bold; she will do anything to be on top. Allura has a playful and snarky attitude, as she likes to mock and toy with others. She doesn't back down from violence and generally has no sense of sincerity or empathy towards others. She's not very willing to abide by others' rules and likes to enforce her way, even if her methods end up more violent. Her imposing and apathetic attitude is despised by most. 
    • Her outward disposition may be brash and reckless, but she's also clever and cunning when needed. She can create complex plans that suit her goal and is overall knowledgeable in many subjects. She'll plan and figure out a solution to her problems when needed. Sometimes her violent nature collides with her smarter side, concocting elaborate attacks and traps for trickier victims.
    • She has particular traits towards certain personalities. She's more disrespectful towards those in authorities, and people previously connected to her. Occasionally, around these types of people, she may reach drastic solutions involving violence to get through to them. This hostility often causes many conflicts with others, which often end unpleasantly. However, she seems to develop a more timid and understanding outlook on sheepish and reserved individuals. She projects herself to be more friendly and open to casual pleasantries and conversation, confusing others as to why she prefers these types of people. She aggressively dismisses any claims pointing it out. Those she befriends could be the only people who know the truth behind the mask of Allura. 
    • Allura was rumored to be completely different compared to the violent criminal today. There was an incident, where she was reported missing 2 years prior and sightings of her only recently emerged. Some believe that she is Allura Nathara, and abandoned her old life for a horrific identity. They believed she had snapped in a way. Some outright deny it's her, mainly out of disbelief from the rumors they have heard. Regardless, she doesn't plan to shed any light on her disappearance and would rather keep that subject to herself. If anyone foolishly dares to pry any info out of her, they may receive harsh retaliation, often violent.