Jett's Comments

Hey there Surli! By any means, will you ever take offers for this guy? <:]

hewwo! copyin from my profile: feel free to offer on anyone except Surli, Alistaire, Liam, otter sona, and Coast; I will not be offended and don't mind at all-- however, I'm very very unlikely to accept! I'm very attached to most of my characters.

so yeah shoot your shot anytime but i'm seldom seeking to let anyone go! ^^

Oh sweet! Is there a preference to offers you get in this case? :] tysm!

I'd probably only be looking for characters that suit my preferences! v attached to jett so it'd have to be something i think I'd use/connect to more than him. I might honestly consider resale for the other guy you commented on cause I haven't used him and feel like I should accept the day may not come LMAO

I can totally understand you honestly! I like both designs and feel like I'd use both!

You can look here, here or in this exclusive folder where you can ignore the tags :O! Lmk if you do see something <3

(Exclusive folder) !

HMM i took a look but there wasnt anyone i'd connect with more than my guys! sorry :'3

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OMG REALLY.. YEAH GO FOR IT!! that would be so poggers!!

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WAAGH THANK YOU SO MUCH that came out so cool!! SOBS TYSM <33

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