

name Baltazar Aragon Flavian
alias Fab
age 25
gender dude (he/him, afab)
height 5'11"
orientation pansexual
species human, but only just
occupation 'independent consultant'

  • his nickname is his initials, backwards!
  • he's committed an absolutely horrible crime, but its fine, he asked someone to fix it for him!
  • he's actually really smart, and knows exactly what he's doing, but he acts foolish because its easier.
  • he's trans!!!!!!! :D
  • he met his best friend because he was trying to make friends with his brother's girlfriend's family. he picked... the worst one to befriend, but its fine. he loves him.

Fab is a really chill, kinda out-there guy. He spends a majority of his time in the woods, and occasionally sells weed to a weird talking cat- ah, wait! Now he's dating that talking cat, and his boyfriend?! And they're not actually cats at all- they're shapeshifters!! Life's strange, but hey, you deal with what life hands you when you live in Harriet. He lives with one of his parents and older brother, but more often than not, can be found at his datemate's house-trailer.

He's super nice, and is able to befriend just about anyone who can put up with the fact that he's sort of... vacant. He says a lot of nonsensical things, but with absolute confidence.

  • prairie! :D
  • baking!
  • cartoons!
  • his family
  • feeling left out
  • deep water

educated ignorant

empathetic logical

organised messy

honest insincere

design notes
  • his hair is naturally strawberry, but he bleached it all a while ago, and then just ran his fingers through it while they were covered in dye. it's bad, messy, and he loves it.
  • never stands up straight!!
  • his parents bought him his entire outfit, but he... doesn't know how to wear it right?
  • one of his pant legs is burned, don't ask about it. a friend did it for him! :D
  • he ties his shoelaces together so he doesn't lose them. how he is able to walk like this is a mystery, but he manages.
  • he paints his fingernails very often, so you can pick any color you want for them!! they're NEVER bare!