chevy (17 year old chevy)


Basic Info


lakeland FL, savannah GA, and eugene OR


high school chevy- under construction.

during high school chevy faced a lot of challenges. his family moved a lot for the military and for his fathers religion jobs, and because of the trouble in his head- being recently hospitalized at 16, diagnosed with OCD and PTSD from religion, as well as dealing with short-term, sometimes abusive boyfriends and girlfriends, he didnt cope well. being isolated for much of his childhood didnt help his ability to cope and socialize. he often hung out with the pariahs and outcasts. he became, in many schools, "that" kid, with self harm scars and sometimes wounds, dark clothes, and shaved hair. he used drugs, coming from a family heavy in addiction, with reckless abandon.

sometimes he quit, being that much of the drugs he used didnt contain substance that led to physical addiction, but without any controlled chaos in his life he struggled to learn how to handle the chaos he couldnt control.

during this time he realized he didnt LIKE to be alone. isolating himself wasnt his speed. even hanging out with people who wouldnt judge and maybe would indulge in his problems, sexual dysfunction and addiction was good. in fact he preferred it

these type of people wouldnt act high-and-mighty or try to challenge him to change because despite seeing the issue he wasnt ready to change.

he was fun loving, enjoyed working outside, eating and playing video games, but depression and obsession got the best of him for a few years. this made him further unlikeable because he didnt have much to talk about.

-fathers abuse

-mothers working


- good traits