(Pending)'s Comments

not sure how much art you'd be looking for for this kid, but i'd be happy to offer their value's worth! 

I have to wait and look other offers.
I'll planning to look for art for two of my CCCats design together (https://toyhou.se/9201121.wrath) and Atticus (https://sta.sh/014jjr9hy746)
Atticus is still in design approval stage if you can wait for few days.

no worries, take your time!! <33 

I decide to take your offer and my CCCats design as approved!
You don't mind do illustration of Wrath and Atticus?  (They are brothers like Ying-Yang.)



are we talking a full painting or something more like just a fullbody of the two together? :O because I may have to decline if it's a full painting, as those take me quite a bit of time ;;

I don't need a full painting with fancy background or rendered.  Just some flat colors illustration of full body with two together. I'll give you some creative freedom. :)  Is that alright with you?

2 Replies