
7 years, 1 month ago


Name : Sidney (Always introduces himself as Cid)
Age : 32
Height : 5ft 7in
Weight : 205lbs
Pronouns : He/Him

Owner Status : Free Grem (Owner Deceased)
Home : City Apartment (Lives with Sherrinford)
Job : Sherrinford's Partner, also works part-time as a Physician Assistant at an Emergency Clinic
Relationship : Single, not looking (In love with Sherrinford, but he's always going on about how pointless relationships are...)

History :  Purchased as a gift for a medical student, Cid was taught and graduated alongside his owner to be their own personal physician assistant. They never stayed in one place for long, choosing to hop from town to town and setting up a small inexpensive clinic wherever they chose to settle, fueled by their want to help others opposed to making a profit. They were a personable pair, well-loved by the communities they healed and always missed when they found it time to move on. They’d done everything together, with a smile on their faces and laughter on their tongues, and Cid had cherished every single day during those years—before it happened.


Shortly after a move to a new town, one much larger than any they’d settled in before, they were cornered at night on their way back from a late dinner by a trio of gang members.  They knew they ran the new clinic, assumed them to be rich and refused to believe any plees otherwise, and when it finally became apparent they would not be getting a small fortune for their troubles they turned to violence. They were both in critical conditions by the time a passer-by found them and called on emergency services.  Cid pulled through— his owner did not.

Her will declared him a free Grem, and he used the meager savings passed to him to find himself a tiny little apartment on the outskirts of a city. The loneliness quickly became unbearable, so he sought out a job at a sizeable clinic downtown, where he worked as many hours as they would allow. He took classes in shooting and different forms of fighting and self-defense, and spent any other free time in public libraries and taverns, only going home to sleep. Always wanting the support of others around him— even if they were all just strangers.

He no longer smiled.

He no longer laughed.

And then...

And then Cid met Him.

Personality : A seemingly innocuous Grem who enjoys the company of others, he is almost always willing to lend an ear to talk at or a hand to those in need-- though he never reveals much about himself. His calm demeanor is typically quick to befriend most people, but he is hesitant to let anyone get close enough to form any sort of strong bond with. He has a strong sense of justice, and will not hesitate to stand up to bullies or miscreants or to jump into a fight to break it up.  Gets depressed if he spends more than a couple of days alone. Very frugal with his money-- frowns down upon the buying of needless items and has very few possessions of his own (most of which were gifted or inherited-- all having sentimental value). Easily annoyed, but only acts on his anger if continually pushed. Will do anything to help and protect those he cares for.

Misc : Wears reading glasses. Rarely ventures outside without his jacket. Uses his calm, small, fluffy stature as a charade so others underestimate his strength.
Skills :
Medical knowledge. Stitching. Trained in various forms of fighting and self-defense. Sharp shooter.
Likes : Police. Justice. Crime Novels. Coffee. Beer.
Dislikes : Criminals. Chocolate. Being Alone. Sympathy.

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