【 ✦ kitae ✦ 】



3 years, 4 months ago



  • soccer :D
  • flowers :D
  • his family :D
  • eating food :D
  • animals!! :D
  • games :D
  • nature :D
  • cute things, all things :D
  • really enjoys working with metal :D


  • being left behing :(
  • feeling sad :(
  • scary people :(
  • sudden noises :(
  • ppl who are mean to his siblings :(
  • not being able to play soccer :(
  • being told to be quiet :(
  • not being taken seriously :(
  • feeling lost :(


He doesn't have a very well rounded memory for many important things, so he'll have to be reminded of them constantly. His little sister Bom often sets reminders on his phone for important dates and events. His phone is his lifeline! He doesn't go anywhere without it because he's afraid Bom will get very angry if he doesn't respond to her in case of emergencies. Kitae shaved his head because he tried cutting his own hair one time. It turned out terrible so he had Bom buzz it for him. He has ADHD. Often gets distracted easily and is restless in a classroom setting. Being in soccer allows for a quick relief. He actually doesn't remember where his small scars come from, but 98% of the time they probably came from him being dumb as a child. Soccer is the only sport that he can immerse himself into. He's actually quite smart at following directions on the field. Secretly wants to kiss everyone just because he thinks everyone is cute and beautiful and deserving of all the best things in the world.


𝕡𝕠𝕤. 【 ✦ caring ✦ empathetic ✦ forgiving ✦ loyal ✦ trusting ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕦. 【 ✦ absentminded ✦ casual ✦ familial ✦ obedient ✦ proud ✦ 】

𝕟𝕖𝕘. 【 ✦ blunt ✦ clumsy ✦ gulibble ✦ impulsive ✦ stupid ✦ 】

" ✦ the more the merrier! ✦ "


Kitae loves people. He's always talking with them, always wanting to create bonds with them. He resonates with people and often takes steps to be careful around them. Whenever people around him are sad, he also gets under the weather. He hates being sad, he feels like it's essential, but inevitably it's a waste when there's so many good things in life to look forward to. Because of this mindset, he's often forgiving to people who have made him sad or even his siblings, those took more time to forgive. He would rather spend his time being happy and creating new memories rather than holding a grudge. He puts a lot of trust in people to be good, he's got a poor judge of character, however it doesn't stop him from trying to make friends with everyone he meets. He's completely loyal to those close to them, though he can't do many things physically or mentally, Kitae will always stand by them and support them.

Though Kitae got in trouble for things beyond his control, he's always trying to obedient and keep to the rules. He knows he would get lost and end up in a terrible place, physically and mentally, if he doesn't. However, due to his distracted nature, Kitae is quite absentminded. He's always forgetting things and ends up being too casual with things he shouldn't be casual about. He treats everyone like they're his extended family, being overly freindly person because that's what he beilieves people should treat each other like. And he's proud of it!

Some may call him stupid, and he might actually be so; Kitae just doesn't have any sesne or awareness of his surroundings. He often acts on impulse, just doing and saying whatever's on his mind at the time. He doesn't have a filter, so whenever he says something it might come out incredibly blunt. He's not trying to be rude, that was just what was on his mind. His clumsiness truly shines when he's off the field. It's like his brain is turned off and he doesn't think, just does. That leads to some unfavorable tumbles down a few stairs. Alongside this, he's extremely gullible. He'll believe anything you tell him, even if he knows it to be not true, he'll start believing that it is.



Shortly after he was born, his younger siblings came into the world; Bomtae and Jitae. Being the oldest born son of two humble jewlers, Kitae didn't have the responsibility most oldest siblings were placed with. He lived an entirely carefree life, taking to the wind and going wherever it pushed him. Whenever he was in a pinch, he could always rely on his sister to pull him out. She was level headed and knew how to handle both him and his youngest brother. No matter how much trouble he caused, along with their parents, she was patient with him. From a young age, he loved helping his dad making trinkets for the other kids in his neighborhood, but his true passion lied in playing soccer. He fell in love the moment he enrolled into an afterschool soccer club. Something about soccer was so refreshing. If anything, he loved running around and having fun. He was qiuck to pick up rules and strategies; he loved scoring goals most of all.


Kitae wasn't terribly good in school. In the classroom he'd often lose focus and fidget with his paper instead of taking notes. He would try to grab the attention of his classmates whenever he zoned back in, which lead to him getting in mild trouble from time to time. Kitae's mind was always on soccer, but if he didn't do well in school, he couldn't play. Kitae pushed himself to do well, or at least scrape by with passing grades. It was difficult, but he would ask his Bom for some help on things he couldn't figure out. On top of that, when Bom joined his soccer teams, he was overjoyed. He didn't want to miss out playing with his sister. She was always on top of her game, and Kitae looked up to her for everything on and off the field. Plus her snacks were so tasty!


When Kitae got scouted to play for Seungri College, he was esctatic - he was leaping out of his pants with joy! He couldn't pass up an opportunity like that. Kitae's family wasn't the richest of folks, but with the help of his scholorship he got in.



dark brown


dark brown ✦ red


inverted triangle ✦ mesomorph ✦ he's very tall

  • His parents are jewelers! They own a small business. He often wears jewelery from them, but has since reduced them down to a simple necklace because he kept giving them away.
  • While he can't carry around his parent's jewelry as a walking advertisement, he talks about it all the time.
  • Despite being the oldest sibling, Kitae always needs to be supervised. This man should not be left alone. He will get lost
  • He's loved wearing bracelets ever since he was young, especially friendship bracelets. He will not hesitate to give anyone he meets one!
  • If anyone asks, he'll let them run their hand over his head! He thinks the buzzcut is fun to play with himself and wants to share.
  • Kitae actually does go to the gym to workout pretty regularly. He isn't buff by any means, but he's toned! Having a healthy body will last him long in life!
  • Often seen wearing baggy colorful clothes. Pastel himbo style!
  • Knows how to roller blade/skate but doesn't often do it, he prefers to run.
  • His youngest brother, Jitae, and him often get lost in each other's schools.
  • Very open about his feelings.
  • He's actually pretty good at being a metal-smith. Helps make jewelry with his dad in the shop.
  • Has random cuts and bruises on his body.

" ✦ game plan? no time, just play! ✦ "

No big plans! Kitae take over a small metal-shop making pieces of art and jewelry for people. He enjoys making special trinkets for people. Making people happy brings him the greatest joy!


" ✦ i love you! ✦ "

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