Ryan Roe



7 years, 18 days ago


Agender (they/them)

Ryan Roe, also known as just "Roe", is one out of the many notorious fabricators that have been identified in the world, their fabrications ranging from forging propaganda and slander within the newspapers, as well as ranging to even more serious matters, such as altering information that would be sent to foreign nations, or even locations of wanted criminals! One of their biggest fabrications was leaking false information about the whereabouts of equally notorious serial killer "The Widower", where it interfered with the investigation of the police and ultimately led to the serial killer's escape. What sets them apart from other fabricators is how young they are, as they have been reported to have been fabricating things for almost 4 years now. However, their days were over after being caught red handed by a Hope's Peak Academy alumni out of pure luck. They were handed over to the police, and was held in jail until it was decided on where they'll go. For them, their final destination would have been jail. ...That would have been their fate had Hope's Peak Academy kept their distance from the situation. Known for being a prestigious institution throughout the whole world, Hope's Peak Academy, with the permission from the Japanese government, had officially declared that they would take Ryan in and rehabilitate them into a functional, member of society. A second chance at conforming to society, in other words. The fabricator has officially agreed under oath to the heavy restrictions placed on them, and that they would only use their criminal knowledge to assist in the identification of fabricated objects. According to a few more sources, they have also agreed to attend, and remain at the school under surveillance as well. It is certain to all that they've landed a place in Japan's blacklist after their capture.