Katsuki Ayano



7 years, 18 days ago


Demigirl (they/she) When one hears about ‘positive psychology’, wouldn’t you think of it to be relating to ‘happiness’? Well, they aren’t wrong! Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the values/ways that individuals/communities thrive, how to achieve a happier life, in the most basic form of the term. Although the topic does include the term ‘psychology’ within it, it diverts from the typical field of psychology with what aspect of a problem is examined first- the field focuses on the possible ways to get to a solution. Within an new emerging field, Katsuki Ayano is the name that tends to commonly pop up in the first search in a web browser. Slowly acquiring fame for her achievements in this field, she’s best known for her best-selling book called, “One Page, One Step”, which is a book that is a creative form of a journal, with cute notes of optimistic support on the sides, and countless of explanations on her research within the field of Positive Psychology. Additionally, it contains several objectives and goals on the back of the book, in order for an improved and happier life. Interested? Well, the book is available to buy on her blog, as well as in some bookstores! Buy one now, for a guideline on how to use Positive Psychology to take one step towards a way to make your life much, much more happier!