


8 years, 11 months ago


Melody is a gentle soul, desiring little more than the happiness in the little things of life. Her work doesn't pay much, but it doesn't have to to get her the things she loves in life. Hot cocoa on a cool day, the petrichor and percussion of rainfall, gentle snowfall, a hand-knitted scarf, singing in the shower, tending to little houseplants, instrumental music galore.... there's many things that make her world go round. With such simplistic happiness, she's very content to give joys back, and does her best to be generous- sometimes even to the point of being a bit exhausted as she has yet to balance looking after herself and others. She's more a listener than a talker, and will often quietly enjoy others antics. Her quiet laugh is reminiscent of windchimes, and soothes the soul.  Her grandmother is the one who taught her to play piano and who raised her. The piano scarf she has is the goodbye present from her grandma when she moved away, and she treasures it dearly. 

themes: Rain Drop (Harito) // In the Winter Garden (Mamomo) // I Want to See a Brief Future (Sweet Dove) // YOUROU_01 Paysageより (mamomo) // 星になる (Islet feat.倚水) // Perches in the Soul (Sweet Dove) //