Hanamaru Matsudaria (Chitose)



7 years, 17 days ago


Agender (they/her)

Not even a moving target can escape this fox’s arrow! Hanamaru Matsudaira is widely known for their skill and mastery at Kyudo, especially within their age group. While nicknamed as the ‘Kitsune of Kyushu’ after their signature fox mask that they wear, they have performed in various Kyudo competitions from the young age of 15 years. Known for their impeccable win streak, they have been said to against seasoned veterans of the art. They even have been said to be able to hit a target at a 130 meter distance as many as 93 times out of a 100. Their attention with the media as a prodigy Kyudoka had recently increased with her recent winning of first place at a Kyudo competition of 340 other participants that occurred just a month before the news emerged of her admittance to Hope’s Peak Academy. .

Alongside Kyudo, they have been known to be able to perform other archery-related activities, such as Yabusame (mounted archery) and Shihan Mato (seated archery), with both of them often seen in her participation of festivals scattered all over Japan. Through training through their family’s kyūdōjō themself, they surprisingly have now surpassed several other senior Kyūdōkas before them at just the youthful age of 17 years. With their victories piling up as they continued pursuing Kyudo, it wasn’t a shock to anyone that they would eventually be admitted into Hope’s Peak Academy, as the Super High School Level Kyudoka.

(hanamaru is w2 chitose while chitose is w1)