Tree Tamworth



3 years, 3 months ago


Weehaw, sorta-new baby. She's based off of old notes from like December of 2019. I got inspired to delve into my sci-fi side more by the latest Nintendo Direct. Which, I know that sounds weird out of context, but they announced that Tales from the Borderlands is coming to Switch in that Direct, and I may or may not have totally lost my mind haha. I LOVE that game, and I have such good memories with it, so I'm really excited to finally be able to play it on a console I own. Regardless, it got me into sci-fi brain due to the setting, so I've been wanting to give my kiddos in that genre a ton of love. Unfortunately, I've been weirdly up-and-down with my motivation, so I haven't been able to draw or create much. But tonight I got the motivation to make this gal and uhhhh I love her so much haha. For the life of me, I couldn't draw in my normal style tonight. I don't know what's up, sorry. But I could at least make a mini-ref for this gal in my chibi style tonight! And it was totally worth it, I'm so happy to have her concept down. I'll try my best to draw her in my normal style soon!

Anyways... Notes for now! Wahoo! I'll code her profile soon!

Tree is a hacker and info-dealer in a sci-fi setting. I don't know exactly where she may be location-wise (like if she's on Earth or some other planet, or maybe she travels between them, who knows?), but she's likely in the middle of some sort of dicey territory. Probably somewhere with tons of corrupt people fighting for power, you know. I have a tiiiiny idea about her maybe getting a job for a sort of info-heist, which leads her to finding this robot meant to be used as an ultimate weapon, or something? Hijinks ensue, and she and the robot have to run from the government and avoid dying or something. Idk the details yet haha, I don't even know if I'll work with this. It's just a basic idea. 

As a person, Tree fits into the atmosphere she's a part of scarily well, haha. She has very few morals and an absolutely tiny conscience, to say the least. She loves messing with people, to the point where she considers pranks and jokes to be her best friends. She doesn't really take a lot of things seriously if they don't directly affect her in some way. She doesn't usually see a point to worrying, and just tries to live life for the fun of it. She's a total adrenaline junkie, and she tends to love the thrill of tense situations. She is the kind of person who would jump off a cliff, not because someone else did it, but just for the hell of it. She is incredibly confident and independent, often being seen as a trendsetter for the worst kinds of trends. However, while she seems like a horrible influence to have around (and to some extent, she can be), she has strong points that really help her and those around her to survive. She's super innovative, clever, and adaptable. She can improvise just about any plan in an instant, and knows the perfect lies to get her out of all sorts of trouble. She's also ridiculously brave, to an almost startling point. Despite that, she still has her flaws. She often follows her gut and heart rather than her mind when it comes to people, thus making her behavior somewhat reckless as a result. She doesn't really care that highly for anyone but herself (with few exceptions), and views the world in a very "last man standing" or "dog eat dog" sort of way. She's willing to do just about anything to get ahead and keep an advantage in whatever situation she's a part of. She's also awful at showing any emotions beside laid-back and playful. She buries her negativity as far as possible, often only letting it slip out in cynical jabs, and otherwise masks any upsetness she feels behind jokes. She can often end up bottling these emotions up for long stretches of time until she just bursts at the seams, which is far from good.

Backstory-wise... She has always been on the bad side of the law, it seems. She started out at a young age as a pick-pocketer, and quickly got invested in the technological world with hacking and information-dealing. Once she was old enough, she got herself a job as a bartender at The Briny Rathskeller, a bar well-known for its criminal traffic. She often dealt her services there, making great money from her practices. However, it wasn't meant to last forever. One time, a nasty fight broke out in the bar. She tried to step in and break it up, as was her job, and ended up getting alcohol splashed on her right before one of the people involved in the brawl broke out a flamethrower (just bear with me, the detail of HOW a fire starts may change). She was caught in the crossfire and suffered horrible burns to the left side of her face, neck, upper chest, and arm. She was able to get out alive and get medical treatment, but the damage had been done. She was left with scars from the burns, and her arm had been so severely damaged that she had to get it amputated. The event left her with some nasty trauma, to the point where the mere sight or smell of alcohol, smoke, or anything burnt would sicken her greatly. She was forced to quit her job due to just how adversely the environment affected her, and was left harboring a deep resentment about what happened to her. Nevertheless, she tried her best to keep her hacking/info-dealing work going. Eventually, this likely leads her to getting a job hacking and stealing information from one of the main authority figures in the area, then... Plot haha.

And some trivia!

-She's about 5'2" or 5'3"
-She has a pine tree necklace that she wears literally ALL THE TIME (AKA it's NOT optional if you draw her haha)
-The left side of her hair is singed short, and she's unable to grow it out again. She thinks that the asymmetrical look is kinda cool, but she also resents the fact that she lost so much of her hair due to the incident.
-Her combat boots are quite literally MADE for combat (because I make the rules, even if they're absolutely stupid and physics-defying). The heels of them are basically just guns, almost like miniature shotguns. She can fire bullets in combination with kicking maneuvers. She's really flexible and agile, so she can make this fighting style work well and really pack a punch.
-She's really good with tech, be it hacking into it or building it! It's not uncommon to see her gathering random parts from the junkyard and building devices or robots with them. In fact, many speculate that she likely built her mechanical arm herself just to avoid the ridiculous bill that would have come from getting a hospital-made one. She's very particular about her money and cares a lot about preserving it after all, so that wouldn't be too big of a stretch.
-She got the tattoo sleeve on her right arm done not long after she was released from the hospital after the incident. She says that it balances out the burns and her mechanical arm.
-She has a therapy dog named Rat, who accompanies her just about everywhere. He's a huge Caucasian Shepherd that she rescued in the junkyard once, and she loves him with all her being.
-There is a 99% chance that she has a Swiss Army Knife on her at literally all times. She just thinks they're way too helpful, haha.
-Unsurprisingly, she LOVES woody scents, especially pine. She basically always surrounds herself in any pine-scented things she can find.
-She is not blind in her left eye, although many people assume that she would be. During the incident, she was able to close her eyes quickly enough to only suffer burns on her eyelid. However, her eyesight is slightly worse in that eye regardless. It typically doesn't bother her too greatly, though.
-She LOVES pants with deep pockets, such as her typical cargo pants. She often won't wear pants that don't have pockets big enough to fit her entire forearm inside them (haha).
-She loves simple microwavable foods (less of a chance to burn them and get sickened), and she is especially a huge fan of pizza rolls.
-She is a gamer. Enough said.
-She's also a total nerd for comics and manga/anime, haha.
-She can get flirty with people at times, but it's almost always just playful. It takes a while for her to experience genuine romantic attraction to anyone.
-Yes, her palm scanner is shaped like a pine tree. She has no shame, let her be.
-While she gets flustered easily if asked to play, she actually knows how to play the bass and the guitar (to some extent; she's more of a novice at guitar but pretty dang good when it comes to the bass).
-More later!