


3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full (married) name

Shelly Maple Kaluhiwa

Maiden name

Shelly Cherrywood




December 4. 1974 (aged 48)




No (A mixture of greedent and emolga fur coloration)


No (retired but still bound to pokeball)

Questions they'd ask

Motherly advice, sweet, consoling, gushing over legendaries and mythicals


Lois Griffin of Family Guy, specifically the first two or three seasons

Preferred Clothes

Sky print dress shirt, Elliptical prescription glasses, Ruby Choker, Emerald droplet earrings

Held item

Aspear Berry






Bold (likes sour, hates spicy)

Known Moves

Bullet Seed

Fire Fang (by TM)



Avatar credit

chance-in-the-pants on tumblr


tumblr_inline_qks7crU0au1rwktal_500.png(art by @leilani-and-kass)

Shelly is a Greedent, much like her son, but devoid of any stripes like a Greedent should normally be like. She isn’t shiny, but the darks on her body look much more red than they normally should. Not like, red as a Thievul’s fur, but more-so a brownish red. She’s only four fifths of Nick’s height, but she isn’t the short one, but rather, Nick is the giant. She stands at 2 feet even.

Unlike Nick’s somewhat unbrushed fur, Shelly takes special care of her own fur. Her tail and torso are very much smooth, and her head fur has a bit of a curl to it. as if she used curlers to maintain her hair. She has to wear glasses much like her son’s, albeit not in the same shape: not perfectly circular, but rather somewhat elliptical. She had cataract surgery as of recent, but her hazel eyes have since healed. She also wears a pair of emerald droplet earrings, dangling from the mid-outer edges of her ears. As of her 46th birthday, the gems are real. She also sports a ruby choker. These last two gifts came courtesy of @ask-reluctant-nightshade.

She also had some knee replacements in her recent past, as indicated by the scars on her knees which are usually obscured by her dress. She doesn’t move very fast anymore because of this, and her days of pokemon battles are far behind her. Nowadays, she stays home as a housewife,  driving out to get groceries, and taking care of other such things. She is still happily married to John, her husband of 17 years.

Despite her undying loyalty to her husband, Shelly has a bit of a weakness toward legendaries and mythicals alike: She is prone to being starstruck when around them, that being said she absolutely adores rare species.

In Shelly's prime, she was a trainer for a pokemon. In said time, she was part of a winning team in the Galarian Pokemon League Championship, and she met John as a Yungoos during this time. She trained alongside him along the time he evolved, and the distraction of love that blossomed between her and John is the reason her trainer, who Nick was named after, decided to retire them and build them a treehouse near his home to have a family in.

Shelly's parents, unlike her spouse's, are very much alive and in their early seventies. Both parents are Greedents, the mother being shiny, and the father being entirely melanistic.