Ginelle Rosewaters



3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

- Plumbers Database -


Sakura Mizubara "Ginelle Rosewaters"


Late 20s-Early 30s

Gender (Pronouns)

Female (She/Her)




Jennifer Hale (Tanya)


.: About :.
Sakura Mizubara, also known as Ginelle Rosewaters & Ginny to her friends, is a Villain in her late 20's. she's affiliated with Adair's crew, as she's the closest to Adair herself. Ginelle is known to be the most dangerous Yokai sorceress in all of Bellwood.

.: Appearance :.
Ginelle is a woman of average complexion & height, standing at roughly 5'6". Her body is rather petite, being curvy around the hips & slightly chubby in the cheeks. Her eyes are slightly slanted & dark brown in color, often wearing red-pink makeup to bring out her eyes. She has Thick black hair, her fringe parts at the side & is rather fluffy. the rest of her hair is tied into a rather Large bun with a red-pink hair tie with two metallic Hairpins attached to it.

She wears a Black Kimono, similar in appearence to a Furisode Kimono & a Susohiki Kimono; the Tomoeri & Uraeri are a red-pink colour, with the sleeves & bottom of the kimono fading into a gradient with the same colour; the Sleeves & bottom of are decorated with dark pink cherry blossom patterns. She also wears a red-pink Hanahaba Obi, tied into a bow at the back, there is two white Obiage on the top & bottom of her Obi. over her obi is a white rubber-threaded Obijime with a soft rubber ball at the front. She also sports white Tabi socks.

She can usually be seen with either wearing either a pair of zōri with red-pink straps, or a pair of geta with black straps. she also often be seen carrying around a Parasol umbrella, which is coloured pink & has floral patterns going across it.

When on her way to kidnap victims, Ginelle wears a black turtleneck, along with a high-waisted pale navy blue skirt. over this, she sports a grey trench coat with black buttons. she also wears black tights & pale brown boots.

.: Personality :.
Master manipulator, evil to those on her hitlist, secretly cares deeply about those in her life, disciplinary

.: Abilities :.


.: Trivia :.
- Ginelle is Infertile. but she has adopted kids and made them her own: Kazuko Akihito being the most notable example.
- Her main motivation is just,, love, she wants someone to love, Beit a partner or children.
- She is Japanese.
- there has never been an instance thus far where Ginelle has had her hair down.
- Ginelle truly doesn't have any family to go back to, due to them passing away when she was younger, and raised herself.
- There is a possible bit of love interest between Ginny & Adair.