Basic Info


Young Adult Human age 23-26




Feleaf by PrePAWSterous


Cocky, Arrogant, womanizer, bad at cards, gambling addict, classic mommy issues, prankster, show off


South Isra Coastal area with Ocean Cats and Felis Oceanus All of them Migrated from Coastal Gibeona


Older Brother named Hannaniah Mother named Peninnah and Father named Elkanah


Depends on the day is a classic womanizer with mommy issues




All Glory Goes to God for he is the one who leads my hope and dreams.

This species the Feleaf and the lineart used to make it was created by PrePAWSterous if you want to either make adoptables or create your own then buy this which gives you permission to create them it's only 20 DA points which is the equivalent of like 0.25 USD you can buy 400 DA points for $5 USD.


This is Samuel who loves to make jokes. He is a really cruddy poker player and tries to distract the others by telling jokes sometimes in poor taste. Samuel tends to think very highly of himself and finds himself to be the most attractive male Feleaf even if women think otherwise. Yet he always somehow manages to get dates with the prettier Feleafs. The smarter Feleaf women turn him down repeatedly but he half the time through persistence gets the date eventually. He is a rapscallion who gets the girl, takes them for a twirl, then dumps them. He has obvious mommy issues. Though the women don't think very highly of him his buddies do as he is loyal and would risk his life for his friends. He is a bit of a show off and prankster as well.


Nehemiah 8:10

Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

If you have any questions about Jesus feel encouraged to send me a note. Hate notes though will be ignored, and won't bother me so it'd be a waste of your time.

Thank you in advance for all the comments, watches, and favorites. I appreciate all your support!