


Basic Info


lemur x magpie x owl hybrid





body type

average, on the thin side


green/yellow central heterochromia, red glasses


Alea is a werelemur. She has a kemonomimi form and a feral form. She has central heterochromia only in lemur form, in her human/kemonomimi form her eyes are all green. Red glasses. She has a scar down the center of her chest from open heart surgery. She often wears a blue studded cuff bracelet. Alea grew up as a normal lemur child, but began to wake up transformed into her semi-human form around puberty. She still isn't sure why, as her parents have never shown signs of changing forms. Now she is almost always in her kemonomimi form and seems to be aging at a typical human rate. Alea's parents live happily in the local zoo. She can sort of communicate with them, but her lemur is 100% awful so she often isn't sure what they are saying. As far as she can tell they want to stay near her and not get relocated back to madagascar. She visits them at the zoo often, and even has special visitation rights to go in their enclosure and say hello, as long as she transforms first. Her griffon form is actually her dream plane manifestation. In this form, her body can mutate into different colours/suddenly grow extra parts etc. She often will leave imprints of alternate versions of herself as she moves (like when you stare at an image too long and then look away and see a negative colored version). Also I guess its hard to tell but her feet are like fluffy owl feet. Her human form and lemur anthro form are AU.