bernadette stormborne.



3 years, 2 months ago



Name bernadette stormborne
Called bernie
Age 19
Gender female
Height 5'11''
Build muscular
Race hylian
Role the man who knew too much


"a wise king never seeks out war. / but must always be ready for it!"

you are born two generations after the era of twilight under the name “bernadette nohansen xviii”, alongside your twin sister. the two of you came into this world with hands entwined, posing a hope for the future. your sister takes after hylia reborn, and you after her hero. but you are twins, after all, and none are so quick to forget, both still with fragments of courage. almost identical with crooked noses and green eyes, from your blonde hair to the mark ‘pon the back of your hands. why is it that the goddess deigns to have her two most righteous weapons against the darkness in the same lineage?

it’s not a question you can answer. in truth, you never knew about your familys history until well after your sixteenth nameday. when minerva takes on the ancestral name of “zelda”, you flee to faron woods in confusion and rage. it is in the lost woods that you find yourself, almost literally. a wolf of golden fur blocking your path, snarling at you with nothing but a rusted shortsword that you still held with two hands. some strange occurrence, you think, to die in such a way.

but the beast does not kill down, does not harm you. it bites, but the pain never comes. you awaken somewhere else, in a dreamlike state, before a skeletal figure in armour. it is there that you learn your destiny, your fate, how the two of you are a kindred soul with a bond unlike any other. she is half of your soul, as they say, literally. the ghost tells you to get up, and fight. so you do. and you will know nothing but in the coming years of your life.

it is when you come to an open glade in a ruined temple that you find purpose. in a pedestal of mossy stone, with an edge of razor, the master sword rests dutifully for the next prodigy to wield it.


MBTI content
Alignemnt true neutral
Sign sagittarius
Enneagram type four
Flower dogwood
Element earth



  • frogs
  • the woods
  • most animals
  • being around her twin


  • loud noises
  • close spaces
  • cats
  • sour foods


  • is an identical twin to minerva, and they have retained a similar appearance through their adulthood. the only difference being their hairstyles.
  • despite taking after the hero of hylia, bernadette is actually half of the triforce of wisdom.




you must know you were doing the right thing.
i don't care, i am obsolete.
here comes a thought, that might alarm you.
every book is read, i'm paralyzed.
but you have answers, and i have the key.
