


7 years, 8 hours ago


You taste as bad as your taste in anime.
March 2nd
Female? (She/Her)
Type B
  • Anime
  • Video Games
  • Junk Food
  • Meat
  • Working
  • Going Outside
  • Mornings
  • Her Boss

A war obsessed species of alien who came to Earth as a scout. She gained all the information she relayed back to her people from television and video games and by the time she realized it was fiction it was too late for her to avoid punishment without keeping up the lie. Since then Fish has settled comfortably on Earth and spends her days lazing around playing video games and watching bad anime. She mainly eats pizza delivery guys for the sake of convenience. This will probably not change until she's dragged away kicking and screaming.

Contrary to her specie's reputation fish is generally a very laid-back, friendly individual. She adapted quickly to life on Earth and would much rather spend her time lazing around and playing video games than fighting. Although she comes across as a ditz, she's fairly intelligent, she just uses that intelligence to get out of work rather than do anything productive. When she does find something that interests her she can focus on nothing but that thing for ages. She's incredibly excitable regarding her interests and will drag in anyone around her if she can. She's uncomfortable around strangers however, and tends to stay quietly in the background until she gets to know someone.

  • Started out intended to be a fursona but ended up way too embarrassing. Cringesona?
  • Not actually furry, her skin is slimy like a frog. The "fluff" on her chest and face are cartilage.
  • Can't fully close mouth, teeth are always showing.
  • Color of lure changes with mood.
  • Can unhinge her jaw to swallow prey.
  • Has extremely poor vision, but can "see" through heat signatures.




The Captain is Fish's boss and an undending source of stress for her. Because she's a pinnacle example of the ideals of their species she holds a lot of qualities that Fish hates, from being serious to being extremely belligerent. As she's a superior officer to Fish she often berates her for laziness and shoddy work so Fish resents her, but is also too timid to stand up to her. As a result she mostly just complains about her constantly behind her back.




Lyrit is one of the few people(?) that legitimately get along with Fish, if only because it's curious enough to actually listen to her borderline incoherent ramblings about whatever anime is popular at the time. Because of this she likes it quite a lot, though she has very little interest in it outside of how much it will let her babble without interruption. Still their relationship is fairly strong and when they go out in public they're a lethal combination of embarrassing.