Rufus Ru the Genetic Chimera



3 years, 3 months ago



Rabbit/Rat, among many other things 
Head of G.E.O. Biology and Genetics
G.E.O. lab


(May be rewritten)

Picked up by Eavesworth years back, he's head of the G.E.O. biology and genetic department, currently the most prioritized sector given their plans, which makes him incredibly powerful. He's known for his expertise at biology and genetics, stopping at nothing to make progress for his research. Ruthless and uncaring, he's notorious for doing experiments on others without a hint of remorse. Hell, he was actually a HUMAN at one point until he experimented on himself, turning him into whatever the hell he's supposed to be now. For sure, he's more than just a rabbit and rat, he's occasionally seen huffing flames or catching flies with his tongue. All of his combat is reliant on technology, but he usually has his men do the fighting for him. One of his most dreaded tools is his infamous "ratgun," which he uses on his own employees whenever they annoy him. It instantly turns those shot into a rat.


Rufus is serious, cruel, and unsympathetic, only focused on his researching and tasks at hand. He appears to almost always be tired and out of it, usually not in the mood to deal with people who want to question him, prompting him to just fire at his problem with his trusty ratgun. He's one for holding grudges, tending to do his "experiments" on anyone who generally annoys him.

At the same time, he's also a genius slob: Incredibly lazy, unkept, and a big eater who tends to eat unhealthy foods in the middle of working, hence his body weight. The main reason he rarely engages in any fights himself is because he just doesn't feel like stepping in. He's looks like he's constantly tired


While most of his power is in his many tools and intellect, he's a hybrid of many creatures, rabbit and rat just being the most visible, meaning he has plenty of natural abilities at his disposal.

Design: He's short and chubby with a wide, toony pear shaped body, having white fur. He has the head and ears of a rabbit, the pink nose and whiskers of a rat, and two teeth/incisors that poke out from the front of his mouth. His eyes are a red color and he has the long tail of rat, although random parts of the tail have green scales in them. While his hands are more rat like, his feet resemble a rabbits. He has a kangaroos pouch, and can grow insect-like wings. His tongue is forked like a snakes. He wears a simple pair of black rimmed glasses and a labcoat.

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