


3 years, 3 months ago



The archdevil of tyrants, wardens, and slavers. Timaern exists as Beathal's effective second in command as the lord of Imperia, the shining city and second layer of hell. It is from there that he governs the day to day affairs of nearly all of hell at Beathal's request, often giving deference in civil matters to his wives.


Timaern's most common appearance is as that of a red-skinned and scaled devil covered in spines, scars, and piercings, with a set of horns that curl forwards around a burning crown. Few aside from Beathal have ever seen his wings - blackened with soot and bloodied from his fall, unable to ever be healed but very much usable. As an angel, Timaern appeared as a vaguely humanoid form made of liquid-like marble and jagged quartz blackened at the edges of his limbs and head with wings of gold feathers, followed by three detached tails covered in the same golden feathers.

  • Increasing Executive Power
  • His Wives
  • Theocratic Autocracy
  • His Hellhounds
  • Beathal
  • Spring
  • Nharimlux
  • Matanbuchus
  • The Dark Tapestry
  • Spring
  • Liberators and Abolitionists
  • His Worsening Relationship With Amarkeeri

“Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

LE (LN-> Prev)
Archdevil (Angel prev)
Birth Year
1 AC
Broad shouldered and strong jawed
Ascindis, Imperia
Lord of Imperia, Beathal's right hand.

Created by Culpireal as an Archangel, Timaern began life more twisted than other such angels. He was created for the sole purpose of displacing others, and eventually coming to monitor Death and later Hell in its earliest years to maintain order among devils, asura, and velstracs; Timaern was quite good at it. His first wife, Tiamora, became his first and, for a long time, sole ally. He was an important ally during her transition, and because of this, at times enjoys reverence in trans communities, particularly among tieflings and aasimar. With Tiamora, he sired 317 children, with Setaris among them. In Imperia, Timaern founded the fortress he'd call home: Ascindis. From there, the archangel was content to rule his home away from home, largely ignoring the works of Culpireal and heaven.

That was his life for many centuries until he came to know of Culpireal's abuses of Beathal. He was upset not with Culpireal's evils (far from it, for he knew the evils in his own heart), but with his hypocrisy; Culpireal claimed to be good as he committed evils. In Imperia, the archangel silently plotted to overthrow Culpireal, only fully convinced upon finding Beathal cast down into hell, in the company of the true devil Matanbuchus. Timaern hid Beathal from Culpireal's ire while he was in hell, and soon the archangel's help turned into conspiracy as Timaern committed to aiding in Beathal's fall.

Timaern fell with Beathal, and in the aftermath, defended all Beathal's allies within Ascindis as Beathal made The Final Vow. At this age, Timaern fell in love with his second wife: Teryna. Together they had three children: Aromatica II, Ninian, and Amarkeeri. Timaern proved himself invaluable to Beathal, bringing Antelir into hell as its defender and slaying several of Eraille's armies and servants himself, all the while increasing hell's power and wealth by the ever-expanding slave trade from its hub in Imperia. All was well until the mortal reckoning struck.

The world in turmoil as the demon below rose to the mortal plane, Teryna was taken as were Timaern's memories of her. He forgot her face, their time together, and even her name as time went on. The now-archdevil Matanbuchus became an invaluable crutch to him, though he would not admit it, and Timaern relied on him as he overcame his grief and moved on from Teryna, assuming her dead and lost. It was for Matanbuchus's help that Timaern largely let their marriage to Aromatica II pass without conflict, knowing that Matanbuchus had aided her in many of the same ways. Amarkeeri, in this time, grew a hatred for Timaern and eventually became his enemy, something that plagued the archdevil's mind. He wished to maintain his family, but could not - a reality that haunted him though he could not remember the wife he wished to keep it together for. He had a centuries-long tryst with the elemental goddess Pyrria, which did not last but instead cemented the Plane of Fire as a lawful evil plane. Teryna's grove within Imperia was replaced to further the city's advancement.

Highcross rose to power, with each ruler hand-taught by Timaern. His cults rose upon the world, supporting tyrant after tyrant and running slave trades around the world. Very little changed with the rise of Elizabeth Wellmoore II, seeing Beathal's heir as little more than another tyrant to support. Antelir bid him to nominate her daughter, Vestrallia, in replacement of one of his own children, and, grateful for her interest in his work, did so. Shortly after the nomination, Antelir brought before him another hopeful favor: the druid Korralis, the favor for the druid's protection. Timaern agreed, and, finding the dryad's quick wit and unrelenting morality attractive, began a centuries-long courtship with her, marrying her only after nearly a thousand years. Together, they have had hundreds of children, nearly one per year. Timaern gave her the palace Forrol, a realm taking up nearly one-fifth of his own.

Called by Beathal to serve as Elizabeth II's personal governor in the newly established colonies in New Cersica, Timaern and Korralis left for the material plane - leaving Matanbuchus in charge of his domain. When they returned, it was to Timaern's great shock that Teryna was before him in her throne, his memories rushing back to him though it took him far longer to rush to her. All was settled in a short time; Korralis saw no reason to be jealous of Timaern's love of Teryna, and vice versa, for it was common among dryads for a ruler to have many wives. Two was a fairly small number. With Teryna back, and Beathal carrying on a tenuous but ever-warming relationship with Solecere and Amarkeeri, Timaern was slowly able to begin to repair his relationship with Amarkeeri. He created another palace, Iviilrun, taking up an equal amount of land to Forrol, for Teryna.

From then on, Timaern worked to further his causes - but not without his wives, who were given near-equal say to himself over affairs that impacted their religions as well. He often involved them in decisions of state, leading Beathal to also at times ask their council. He continued his work for the remainder of his life, only slightly changing the depth of his pursuits for the bolder in the age of Starseekers.



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