


3 years, 3 months ago


Litle too dum to understand whats realy going on

- were living in pale city sewers untill she met other kids, wich get her free from one side of sewers, then she joined them cuz she dont like silence like alot

Lil puppy personality what reasonably to spooked to accidentalt glance at tv

Good at hunting rats n such

Will never let you go and geniunly like you 

- always holding six hand and goes behind mono, not leading in dangereous situations, cuz blindfold, but usualy do

Once had a buddy verinuca but they got killed off(by dust herself achualy, blind bab) and now she lowkey crazy and "press c to put on blindfold to hear" to hear ur dead friend showing you da way

Also if you have a moster lart or something she will cut it off and be all sad if you die or something like that

faster playeble character then others and can push and climb litle bit better cuz of her being feral kid in the woods and then being adopted