


3 years, 6 months ago



" Now I can see that i've lost myself "
a griefstruck man who happened to become a father

Full NameScorch
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birthdayapril 1st
birthplacenorth yam'scha
residencecastello iklij

Scorch was born into a respected higher-class family. He was treated poorly by his father and his mom was very distant. His dad started training very early because he wanted Scorch to be a strong and respected warrior. Scorch was a very sweet pup, but his father disliked that and made him hide his affection. Jevl was the only other pup close to his age, Jev was also trying hard to befriend Scorch. After many many months, Scorch became affectionate towards Jev. Scorch's father didn't like Jevl because of both his history and softness. He tried to seperate them, but they kept resisting. They spent all of their timee together. But Jevl was slowly changing... Jevl and Scorch eventually started to catch feelings for each other. It was difficult for Scorch because Jevl had started becoming obsessed with living up to the expectations placed onto him. But in certain moments... Jevl showed that he cared for Scorch. They never confessed to each other though, due to the nature of their village. Both of them were determined to be respected warriors and started training with each other. Once Jevl surpassed Scorch's skill level, he sought out a mentor, cutting into his and Scorch's time. Of course, Scorch didn't like how battle-hungry Jev had become and was worried for his well-being because he started getting into more and more skirmishes. Scorch soon started getting teased about how a cancel is a better warrior than him, and one day, Jev and Scorch got into a big battle. Scorch wanted to prove that he was stronger than Jev, so he lunged into battle against Jev's wishes. Scorch was pinned by 3 enemies and had to be saved by Jev, who unfortunately died. Scorch was then assigned to be the King's replacement heir, as he was the person closest to Jev. And in his honour, He started engaging in fights more and training for battle to become powerful. After a few months, he met a wanderer called Äri. They eventually got together, and Scorch became king shortly afterwards. Äri and Scorch had a child named Älskare. Älskare was born as a fire-ice type, which is impossible as fire and ice should cancel each other out. Äri knew something was wrong and decided to leave. Scorch was left heartbroken and struggled to take care of Älsk, and soon became abusive towards her.
[Continues to Älskare's story]

During the timeframe of Älskare's story, Scorch had started seeing Jev in his dreams, and they started meeting up every night. They then confessed their love to each other there. And after his death, Scorch realized how corrupt he was and no longer wanted anything other than to be with Jev and see Älskare grow up happily
älskare ー scorch's daughter
scorch's best 'friend' ー Jevl
ari ー scorch's partner
scorch's son ー [unnamed]