Random G.E.O. members



3 years, 3 months ago


G.E.O. is the high-tech organization that's dominating Eitor. Being such a big group, it has many members and different departments/subdivisions. Unfortunately I'm too lazy to get into depth on those and the group in general atm.

Note: You can try and draw some of their designs if you want.

Ms. Lily Leaf the Parasaur♀️- (6'10) She's a sweet, darkly colored Parasaur with orange eyes who's commonly seen wearing a labcoat. She serves as the lovable and surprisingly intelligent assistant of Rufus in G.E.O.s biology department, popular for being kind and willing to help others around the work area. However, she knows how to be strict when she needs to, being able to tell off others with her usual smile. Rumors say that Rufus created the Parasaur himself, since he wanted a "smart and competent" assistant.
What's a G.E.O. member without their ridiculous technology? Her labcoat being able to form holes on its back, she's partially robotic as her back can open up to reveal mechanical hands for grabbing, or humongous fucking laser cannons if she needs to fend anyone off.

Megaphone rooster guy♂️- (5-1) Brown skinned "human" male, appearing to be about 21. He's usually on the scene during any active G.E.O. construction, potentially being a lead architect, although it's uncertain what his rank is due to no one caring about him. Constantly carrying a megaphone on hand, he shouts orders at everyone while speaking through it, generally known for being incredibly annoying but giving good prep speeches. Rufus got fed up with him and tried a little "experiment" on him that resulted in him having rooster tail feathers and avian legs. Now he just shamelessly makes inappropriate jokes.
His megaphone is a powerful soundbased weapon that can also have magic spells casted through it.

Lisa "Stalker" Creepsworth♀️- (5'9) A dark skinned woman who looks unkept, she has a messy dreadlocks that hang most of her face, covering one eye. She's the younger sister of Seki and Atmos's assistant, whenever he's not isolating himself. About 25 years old, she's moody, tired, and usually unspeaking, just like Atmos, but she's smarter than she appears. She's wise in physics, chemistry, and biology having made a device that enables her to phase through objects. She fully takes advantage of this in battle, using it to defeat opponents in brutal ways.