Dawn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

astarlitevening Global Rules

- Designs can be regifted, resold and traded.

- If you previously traded a design, I don't care if you sell it later.

- You can sell a design for more than you bought it for, even if it doesn't have extra artwork.

- You are also welcome to sell designs you received from me as a gift or in trades for a price that you think is fair. There's no need to consult me about it, just charge what you would pay for it. Generally designs go for a minimum of $50 all the way up to the $400+ range to give a general idea.

- You are welcome to take the artwork I did and edit it as much as you want, change markings etc. Please don't remove my signature on the original design, and if you edited it please be sure to credit me somewhere for the original design.

- I would prefer if my designs were sold to people via toyhou.se, so that my name appears on the transfer logs as the designer. The reason for this is that I've had issues with character theft in the past and this is the safest way to ensure your character belongs to you.

- Generally I'm completely lenient with anything that happens to my designs. My view is once I let go of them, I don't own them anymore, and so it would be kind of weird to try and retroactively police people on what they choose to do RE: selling/trading.