Lucian Vendetta



3 years, 3 months ago


This is Lucian, also known as the iconic Moth Man.
Standing at 5'9 with a stutter, on the outside he just seems to be a nervous moth physiology who can easily be manipulated, but.. as everyone does, he can blow a fuse, and boy it isn't pretty.
But we'll get to that later, right? 16 with one of those aesthetic builds (has muscle, but not to where it's menacing to look at). He wears olive green jackets, like too much of the time. He also has your normal moth wings, antennae, and finally ocean blue eyes. Oh, and sunglasses. B)
Since he doesn't have the collar of a moth, it's his hair instead, making it very soft and fluffy.
As a moth physiology, he has never really been able to see confidence himself, nor give it to others because to him his advice seems useless, and most people would mistake him for just a normal mutated person because he barely uses his ability unless he loses his chill, which would end up in someone getting hurt, or if he just used his ability to distract himself. Anyway, for most of his life he had gone to normal schools since society couldn't see him as harmful, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be made fun of for it. So that's probably why he ended up being such a mess huh? Well, who knows. He could've just grown like that too.
Mahou Skill:
For fun, I made my own tier up system. Journaling how he changes and how it'll make him more powerful over time, hope y'all are alright with that.

With this, Lucian is able to create an orb created by the light around him, being able to float in the air and separate into 8 other orbs, orbiting around him most of the time. Though these orbs can do many things, such as block attacks, used as weapons, make him float by holding him up by his feet, or just to look at cause he's addicted to light.. cause he's a moth. Ironic, right?
Though to get to the real part about this..
These orbs work as heat-seeking missiles, each one able to go at 25 MPH and only hit at 80 LBF, though giving a burn of 120 degrees with each orb. You can also get hit by all the orbs at once, would would make 640 LBF and 960 degrees. But that would make him have to make more orbs, which takes around 10 ooc seconds each time to do. He can only do this orb thing around 5 times before getting tired and gaining burn marks on his hands, not being able to risk using the ability again unless he wants his skin to well.. peel off, which would be horrid.