Benjamin Oliver



3 years, 2 months ago


Benjamin Oliver

35 | 5'8" | ??? | A+


Paranoid - Eccentric - Trusting - Kind - Detached

Benjamin is seemingly all over the place. Hardly ever in touch with reality, Benjamin is paranoid and clingy, making him easy prey for those who seek to manipulate. Despite his delusions and hallucinations, he tries to be a good person, offering help to those in need or simply being there if someone needs to rant. However, during any episode of his, he suddenly becomes distrusting and paranoid, and may unintentionally become violent to defend himself.


Benjamin had a very rough start to life. His biological mother was only a teenager when she became pregnant, and ended up in poverty by the time he was born. Seeing no other choice, she gave up Benjamin for adoption, where he was adopted by a loving couple of decently high social status. Life seemed normal for him from there on...until he was 17, where he had a psychotic episode and became completely detached from reality for a time. During that time, he claims he was stuck in the Devil's domain. Worried, his parent reached out to a psychologist. As they tried to figure out why this happened, Benjamin learned the truth of his parentage, that he was in fact exposed to several risk factors for a mental illness, and with that was officially diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

For a time, this devastated Benjamin. He began to withdraw, fearing he'd become a danger to society. He also began to hide his emotions more, thinking even letting one slip would cause him to lose touch with reality again, to be forced to see HIM again...But it only made things worse. He now kept seeing The Devil, be it out of the corner of his eye or right there in his face. His only comfort was when he found what he believed to be his biological mother: Jane, He grew close to her, finally having some closure in his head by meeting his alleged mother, who supposedly kept a diary and entrusted him with it. 

To try to help with his withdrawing, he was introduced to the then in development band, Angel's Tears. He joined, taking the so-called diary of Jane with him.


-Usually is the Guitarist of the band

-Has romantic feelings for Amy

-Tried medication, ended up discarding it after some serious side effects kicked in.

-Gets slightly bullied/manipulated by Felix, and has committed arson because of Felix.