


3 years, 3 months ago


Watch Your Step


NAME Colm "Wander" Haddock

AGE 23

GENDER Transmasc Nonbinary

JOB Farmer




FARM NAME Whistleheart




Calm Haddock used to live in the big city away from everyone. He got into a depressive slump, having cut off his parents and trying to live out his life as normally as possible. It his him even harder after the passing of his grandpa, the only person in his family that he kept in contact with. His grandpa did give him the deed to the farm, and thinking it might help to have a change of pace, took the offer and moved out of the city.

Settled into Stardew Valley very well, however he isn't great at making connections. Many people didn't know his actual name for years, originally giving him the name "wanderer" which later shortened to just "Wander." Most people know his actual name now, but Wander has just caught on and he doesn't mind.

Currently lives on the farm with his husband Alex, his daughter Morgan, and a new child to be adopted on the way. Loves the little home he carved out for himself in stardew valley, and wouldn't give it up for anything.


  • Has scars all over his body from when he was just starting out exploring the mines, as well as top surgery scars
  • Hair is spikey and wild. Will try to slick it back and get it under control if he has somewhere nice to go.
  • Prefers plain clothes. Maybe with one or two stripes but no big patterns and no graphic-tees.
  • Loves big brown leather jackets. Any is fine but he loves his bomber jacket the most.


  • His favorite foods are eggs and hashbrowns. Or really anything that's fast to make
  • Is really into fishing. Prefers ocean fishing more than lake or river fishing though.
  • Used to work as a janitor
  • always seems to have new scars every single day.


Wander is a quiet fellow. Doesn't talk a whole lot (him being quiet and keeping to himself is what kept people from even learning his name when he came to Pelican Town). Around friends and such he opens up a bit more, but it definitely takes a bit to get adjusted to people.

Always prefers the silence of working on the farm. Thouh, once in a blue moon he'll go to the tavern and have a few beers with everyone else. He's not lonely, just a very solitary person. Alex has helped him come out of his shell somewhat.


" Hey thank you! Guess you really know me. "
  • Hashbrowns
  • Pumpkins
  • Egg (any)
  • Tigerseye


" Thank you. Appreciate it. "
  • Sunflowers
  • Bombs (any)
  • Seaweed
  • Oil of Garlic
  • Sea Urchin


" Oh. Cool. "
  • Spring Onion
  • Pine Tar
  • Slime Egg


" ... um. sure. "
  • Bug Meat
  • Tea Leaves
  • Driftwood


Wander grew up in the city. He doesn't have any older siblings, and his parents were often away for long periods of the day. So he would frequently visit his grandpa on his farm. Wander was pretty sure he preferred the city life, but his Grandpa's farm always seemed cozy and nice to him. However, when he came out his trans, his parents essentially kicked him out of his house, and he had to take several jobs to keep his head above water. Wander fell into a terrible depressive slump, which only seemed to worsen after the passing of his grandfather.

It was soon after that Wander received his grandfather's letter giving him the deed to his farm. Wander wasn't sure of where else to go, and thought that maybe the change of scenary would help his mental health somewhat, so he set out and never looked back at the city.


While taking a very long time to adjust to Pelican Town life, Wander did settle. He has a true friend in Willy. Willy helped Wander get a hold of his life by teaching him how to fish. As well Wander found true love with Alex. The two are currently married and have a daughter named Morgan (with a second child on the way!). The two live comfortably on Whistleheart farm.

Wander's fighting abilities have improved over the years, but he knows that he worries Alex with all of the scars that he has. He always makes sure to give his husband and his daughter a kiss before he start out on work for the day, just in case something were to happen to him in the mines.

Wander's Husband! The two started talking because Alex offered to train Wander because the villagers were starting to get more and more concerned about his scars.

A true friend. Helped Wander when he just moved to town. Gave him some kind of stability by teaching him how to fish.

Someone Wander is trying very hard to befriend. Finds the Wizard's antics interesting and would love to learn more (maybe to help him get through the skull mines...who can say...)

Just trying to make my way

Stardew Valley OST

code by icecreampizzer