


9 years, 4 months ago


  • Closed Species by : dA user owlfinch
  • Species Name : Canterwit.
  • Design creator : ioniey @ dA.
  • Form of Purchuse : Part trade for my WD; Sweetie.
  • Past Owners : 1.
  • Traits : Common.
  • Co-owned with : Not for c.o
  • Date Obtainied : 14 August 2015

Extra details : If no longer desiered, please talk to ioniey on dA.

Gender : Male.

Flower : Black Rose.

Shipped : N/A.

Personality :
He is a very gentle Canterwit, maybe not as upbeat as most, but still a very friendly personality. 
His personality can be summed up in one thing: He remembers. 
He remembers everyone he ever met, remembers every little gentle soul. 
Moving through the woods in a slow and gentle manner, he stops often to appreciate his surroundings.

He might not be the most social one, but he will listen to anything others will want to share with him.
He thanks them for every word, because he treasures anything what is given to him. Still his personality
is mostly not visible to those which are not close friends, since he keeps his thoughts to himself.

In fact, he is rather lonely because of this, not really wanting to go on others nerves with his own stories,
as he feels it is more important to listen than talk. He doesn't have many good friends because of this he
can lean on himself.

Also he has the most calming, soft laugher you've ever heard!

Currently : NFT/S