iPod's Comments

Would you be interested in trading for anyone from here https://toyhou.se/dorffia/characters/folder:1875912 ?

You can take more than 1. :>

Hi! could i trade for benney and funfetti poptart? :0!

Sure thing! Sent em over! Enjoy! :>

tytysm!! you too :)!! <333

Would you want to trade for anyone here? https://toyhou.se/TastyAce/characters/folder:4275783

Can also offer art! I've mostly done doodles on TH so far, but I can do more elaborate pieces as well! https://toyhou.se/TastyAce/art#63464815

sorry for the late reply! didn't see anyone that interested me tho :'0 tysm for offering!! <33

Np, ty!