Azhar Jameel



3 years, 3 months ago



Azhar Jameel

23 y/o



6'4 ft




Everybody Loves Me

There's Something Happening

Work Bitch

When I Grow Up

Welcome to the City

Introduction · · ·

Azhar Jameel is a British musician, better known to their fans as by their band name, PRINCESM. Not a typical one-man band, PRINCESM has both lead and backup vocals, bass, lead, and rhythm guitars, as well as drums and keyboard, all lending towards a pop-punk sound. The band was formed over half a decade ago, when Azhar first graduated high school, and has since seen overwhelming success. As the only member of the band, Azhar is no stranger towards fame and wealth.

Azhar's success as a musician is partially owed to their superpowered prism. With it, they're able to take the light from their body, using it to create another version of themself. For PRINCESM, they split themself into six; red as the keyboardist and backup vocals, orange as the drummer, yellow as the rhythm guitarist, green as the lead guitarist and backup vocals, blue as the bass guitarist, and purple (the original Azhar, now leeched of all other colors) as the lead vocalist. This strange gimmick garnered a lot of attention when PRINCESM was first starting out, helped by the fact that Azhar is exceptionally talented musically.


  • Interesting People
  • Being the Center of Attention
  • A Job Well Done
  • Punk Fashion

  • 'Natural' Talents
  • People Disrespecting his Work
  • Having Free Time
  • Fighting, and Other Superhero Activities

Personality · · ·

To their fans, Azhar Jameel has a rather personable and easy-going vibe. There's some truth to this- Azhar can be quite charismatic, and is fairly good at talking to people. They're also relatively chill, never seeming all that stressed. Of course, there's a lot more to them the fun personality the fans see. Azhar is incredibly dedicated to their work, and puts a lot of time and effort into that. Although they have no real interest in being a hero, they see it as a job, and thus take their position in the Roundtable seriously. They're good at and willing to follow orders, so long as it's not anything they're morally against.


Their hard-working nature is by far one of their best aspects. Azhar puts 100% effort into everything they do, even if what they're doing is of little interest to them.


Even though their ego isn't at all unearned, Azhar definitely has a big head. They consider themself to be better than most other people, and has little respect for those they deem beneath them.


For better or for worse, Azhar likes grabbing the attention of others. Most people either love them or think that they're 'too much'.


They're... a lot. They're just a lot, there's really nothing else to it.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

All eyes on me in the center of the ring, just like a circus.

Trivia · · ·

Azhar's superpowers come from a prism (hence, why their band is named PRINCESM). Their powers allow them to take the light reflecting off themself and turn it into something else- which they use to create their doubles.
During performances, Azhar technically only creates five doubles. 'Purple Azhar', as they are known by fans, is just the original Azhar only reflecting off purple light.
Their alias in the Roundtable is Dagonet- specifically, the court jester iteration, and not the knight. They're actually fine with this, seeing as the court jester is a far more favorable depiction of the character.
The name Azhar means, "Radiant, Shining, Luminous, Brilliant, or Clear". Their surname, Jameel, simply means, "Beautiful."
When first joining the Roundtable, they had an actual contract written out with three demands. First was that all missions must be approved by their manager and older sister, Zoya Jameel. Secondly, they wanted at least two capable bodyguards present at all times while working. And finally, if they experienced any major injuries due to any of the main villains, they would immediately cut ties with the Roundtable and cease working for them.
Their music style is very pop-punk. Whether it leans more pop or punk depends on the album, but their most recent stuff has a very punk sound with very pop lyrics.

Backstory · · ·

Azhar's childhood was largely uneventful. They were very obviously an unplanned child, with both parents being well into their forties and their only sibling being a whole seventeen years older. Despite this, they had a happy upbringing- after their sister moved out, they were downright spoiled by their parents. It wasn't until they were eleven years old that they knew any sort of hardship. That year, their dad died via drowning in a boating accident. Their mom had to take up another job to try and maintain their current lifestyle, and Azhar's older sister, Zoya, moved back home to help out.

Anyways, for lack of a good segway, Azhar quickly discovered that they had a knack for music! They were somewhat naturally inclined towards singing, improving greatly thanks to chorus classes at school. Percussion instruments were easy enough for them to get the hang of. Stringed instruments were far less easy, but doable with large amounts of practice. Despite their efforts, brass and woodwind type instruments eluded them. Still! They learned a lot about music, and had fun doing it.

Dude! We're getting the band back together!

Azhar's interest in music didn't come from nowhere. Rather, they mainly got into it because that's what their friends were into. Upon entering secondary day school, Azhar's friends Zoey and Eli both decided on band and chorus as their electives, and Azhar simply followed them into it. Late into the school year, Isabella Morgan, another musically inclined preteen, transferred into the school and joined the friend group.

A couple years after the entire friend group was established, they made the decision to form a band. Or, Azhar made the decision and roped the rest of his friends into it. The band was formed, with Azhar as the lead singer, Eli as the guitarist, Isabella as the drummer, and Zoey (or 'Xoey', as she had begun spelling it) as the bassist.

The band was relatively short lived, of course- they lived in a small English town, with not many opportunities to perform for crowds. And even without that working against them, the members who weren't Azhar weren't exactly motivated- Xoey and Eli were far too carefree about everything, and Isabella had severe stage fright. The once close-knit friend group would dissolve into heated arguments whenever they got together to practice. Seemingly, Azhar's musical dreams were crushed...

You're the one who sets the bar!

After a particularly nasty argument, Azhar was walking home during an even nastier storm. On that walk home they found a prism- a magical relic that allowed him to create constructs out of light. Azhar realized that with this, he didn't actually need a band- they could just create copies of themself and perform like that! Of course, it didn't come easily. The constructs needed commands to function, and it was difficult to command every single construct to perform perfectly to a rhythm. Not impossible, though.

Azhar threw themself into practicing. It didn't matter that their grades slipped or that they now had no time for their ex friends. They were going to be a star. The moment he graduated, he, along with his older sister, moved to the big city. Although ready to sign the first contract they were offered, Zoya stepped in, taking on the role of a manager. She found a suitable record deal for them, leading to him forming the one-man band PRINCESM!

Links · · ·


Upon first meeting Lucan, Azhar thought they were some sort of weirdo. And they still think that, but much more fondly! Despite not liking them at first, Azhar found them amusing to be around. Plus, they were probably the most competent person involved in all this superhero business. From there, they slowly grew to genuinely like them, and considers them one of their only genuine friends.

Cal, Ben, and Nic

Three of Azhar's teammates from Roundtable. They're grouped together because Azhar really doesn't think of them all that much. They think Cal and Nic are fairly competent, although Cal can be too emotional, and they don't know anything else about Nic. Ben is seemingly less competent, but Azhar assumes Roundtable had some reason for seeking them out. They do not care about these people.


Admittedly, Azhar probably doesn't think of Mal enough to actually consider her a worstie. Still, due to her originally being a traitor on the Jacks' side, they don't trust her whatsoever, and view her as a dangerous threat to the group, and they aren't afraid to make their opinions about this known.

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