


8 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Leon, never call him Leo


Young Adult





Best Friend:


Friends (kinda):

Charm, Glory, Lumen


Oliver, Mint, Lovedie


|Themesong| Eraser Girl by MARETU

|Song of His Story| Coin Locker Baby by MARETU (you can find a somewhat accurate translation of the lyrics here link)

|Other Songs That Relate To Him| Don't Put My Name In The Endroll by MikitoP and Bloody Gravity by, um, some person


Leonardo is known for acting like a spoiled brat. He had a tough early childhood and then, as luck would have it, he became spoiled beyond belief. Such a drastic change of lifestyle messed him up greatly. Perhaps he was just overwhelmed, but Leonardo learned to become a man who loves to indulge without consequences. He abuses power and acts out selfishly. He comes first before others. His entertainment does as well. In general, Leonardo is a quiet guy who isn’t known for showing many expressions. Well unless he needs to show a certain face to get something, causing Leonardo to have a problem of being two-faced which in the end makes it harder for others to trust him, causing Leonardo to isolate his heart even further from society. He never really had friends as a child. They were all people who just wanted to hang out with him because of his money. The only true friend he made was mute, and because of that, he never got to hear the voice of reason and learn how to act like a proper human-being. That friend though did teach Leonardo how to love though. One day this friend disappeared, and to this day he is still looking for her. Leonardo tends to hold himself up with a certain grace that seems almost stuffy. He can surprisingly be clingy and dense, things like jokes going right over his head. Leonardo has proved to have a love for the creative arts. Painting, writing, and especially, acting. All things Leonardo grew to love. He dreams of becoming a famous actor one day. Though it’s good that he has a hobby, his love for acting has caused his understanding of human emotions to become even worse. In the end, Leonardo is just an awkward guy who is trying to become like everyone else and failing miserably at it. He’s very lonely on the inside.