
6 years, 11 months ago


Given Name || Millicent Herleston

Alias || Tamora Cardonell

Gender || female

Age || old as dirt, but looks to be 24

Sign || capricorn

Ethnicity || english

Orientation || demiromantic pansexual

Occupation || librarian

Status || single

Personality: The amount of time Tamora has spent on this earth has certainly taken its toll on her patience. Tamora waits for no one - she's that teacher that locks the door when class starts and refuses to let students in. She expects everything to be done on time. Woe to the student that forgets to turn in a book - the vampire has a nasty habit of waking students up in the middle of the night to demand a novel's return. She seems tired most of the time, mainly due to the lack of sustenance she recieves on campus. The vampire is notoriously unapproachable, as her aloof demeanor can be off-putting. On top of this, she's terribly sarcastic, and few people are spared from her snarky responses. She holds herself regally, which is perhaps an indication of her upbringing. Though not outwardly kind, Tamora cares deeply for the wellbeing of the students and teachers of the school, and keeps hot chocolate mix and blankets in her desk for those who are having a bad day. A good listener, she's frequently willing to let people vent to her, and she will always give an honest opinion. Magical Manifestation: She's a literal vampire, and was bitten sometime in her 20s. Having lived like this for a long time, her mastery over her abilities is very good. She survives on blood, specifically human, though she can survive on that of animals.
Magical Strengths: As a vampire, Tamora doesn't age and cannot die of natural causes. She survives on blood - the longer she goes without it, the weaker she becomes. Her senses are heightened, as well as her physical strength and endurance. She can see in the dark as well as (if not better than) in the daytime, and can smell blood. She can shapeshift into a bat with little difficulty. Her fangs can be extended and claws formed in battle, making her a formidable (and slightly animalistic) foe. She carries an ethereal beauty (the better to eat you with, my dear).
Magical Weaknesses: Tamora relies on blood to be able to manifest her powers, and can only use most of them when well-fed. The longer she goes without feeding, the sicker she becomes. Generally, she can last a week between feedings before becoming too sick to hunt. Direct sunlight burns her skin. She has no soul, and thus no conscience. The line between good and evil is blurred in her mind. She cannot cross running water on foot, which can lead to some tricky situations, and is physically pained by religious imagery. Finally, she can be killed by wooden stakes and becomes sick when exposed to silver.
Familiar: Book pages. It takes the form of a paper crane, generally, but can also change (dramatically) to other origami-esque forms. She calls them by a variety of names, most of them obscene, but they respond best to Crane. They're extremely stubborn, and seldom retrieve the books they're told to. In fact, they retrieve the book most pertinent to one's current situation, and are thus the resident book recommenders in the library. Likes: Reading, secrets, flowers, lace, a warm bed to curl up in Dislikes: The summer, water in general, most people
Appearance: Tamora doesn't look her age. That is, she appears as a normal 24-year-old would. Her eyes are a deep crimson, though she wears contacts outside of campus to mask the unusual appearance they give her. Fangs protrude over her lip, and they have a tendency to grow when she's angry (or, when she's especially hungry, when she smells blood). Her hair is naturally dark, but is currently dyed a silvery-grey at the ends. She experiments with color frequently. Her face is youthful and angular, giving her a sort of regal appearance. Her frame is petite and shaped similarly to a dancer's. She glides more than she walks, and one is frequently left wondering if her feet even touch the ground. She stands at 5'4, and frequently wishes to be taller. Perhaps that's why she wears high heels so frequently. Her clothing is generally comfortable, and she has managed to stay hip with the youth despite her years. Currently, she is found wearing light and distressed jeans (the more holes, the better) and black tops and sweatshirts. When outside of class, she wears more cutoff shirts and shorts. A variety of piercings adorn both her ears, mostly filled with light and dainty earrings. She has a multitude of tattoos, including an empty triangle on her ankle, an ampersand behind her ear, and a literary quote in a location better left undisclosed.
Other: She doesn't eat food, and thus is seldom seen in the dining hall. She carries a water bottle with her at all times, and it's fairly well-understood that it doesn't contain water. She has an extremely high alcohol tolerance.