


3 years, 2 months ago


Brilluen's hideout


Full NameBrilluen Bou
NicknameBrill brill, Deer boy
SpeciesCelestial Deer


Hi   My names Brilluen Im an up coming pop star! Before my rise to fame I was a instagram influence uwu. 

  • Relationship Status:
    A Little "Love Sick" uwu
  • Working at:
    Galab co. studios
  • Studied at:
    Schofield high
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298420.jpg  Brilluen
6 June •
Today's little lymie's birthday     .
298420.jpg  Write a comment... 
35378789_IGb7X19Fh4apI8w.png Lymlimark's Depression
Its not my birthday stop it Brilluen we've been over this. you do this every June 6th. M birthday is on the 16th


Preppy, Clueless, Stubborn.

You gotta make life work with you to get anywhere!

School i guess

Ah yes I remember my school life I suppose Mostly my junior and senior year at Schofield. I mean I cant truly remember my other years but anyways- I was always the popular figure to people. Ladies, gents and those that were everything in between or none of the above. However though I was so popular I loved hanging around my pal Lymlimark or Genny. Yeah her name was Genny and for Lym we always calling him Lymlie I mean he is quite the small fella you'd think we was a middle schooler or something not a sophomore to junior well you would think the same thing with Genny but she definitely acted like a elementary school when it came to anything fun. Lymlie however he was the one to be the "rational" one when Genny's brother Gilgamesh was gone. Oi the things me and those three use to get ourselves into was almost criminal. Almost- We, except for Gilgie of course, We were just kids who wanted to face the world with the somewhat brightest of eyes as we could. A little late into my senior year something happened to make things change. Lymlie shut himself in and dropped out, Gilgamesh became more silent and I; I strived. I didn't let it get to me like them even though it should've; she wouldn't of liked it that way. I went around taking photos of my adventures in the three towns (Cryistrama, Bokoamijo, Hollibera). I got a massive following through it but I felt homesick. I missed hanging out with the crew though I guess it was only us three now. I saw that Lymlie had a apartment ad up so I decided that I'd live there now and thats where I am to this day

So now to the present




Good friend  

Oh yeah me and him have been through thick and thin! He isnt the sociable type however so I do most of the talking. He is also a short fuse so its easy to anger him if you aren't too careful. Now a days he locks himself in his room only going out for food or to use the bathroom. Legend has it that on rare full moons he will actually take a singular step out of the apartment complex for some air. 


Boyfriend uwu              

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis lacus, placerat ac tortor in, eleifend venenatis velit. Maecenas est nisi, viverra nec mi ut, posuere pharetra nisi. Quisque id rhoncus justo, eu luctus sem. Nullam dignissim, ligula id finibus lobortis, lectus ex ullamcorper felis, non laoreet turpis massa sit amet magna.


Relationship name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus felis lacus, placerat ac tortor in, eleifend venenatis velit. Maecenas est nisi, viverra nec mi ut, posuere pharetra nisi. Quisque id rhoncus justo, eu luctus sem. Nullam dignissim, ligula id finibus lobortis, lectus ex ullamcorper felis, non laoreet turpis massa sit amet magna.
