


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Koro (sometimes called Jellykid)

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Nonbinary (they/themselves)

Species: Star Being

Favorite Food: Blue Raspberry Sorbet

Element: Light

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (humanoid), transformation imitation, light spell, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, healing magic, blue aqua storm, blue shock, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "We're all three halves of the same idiot!" and "We're the pretty warrior trio!"

Likes: The ocean, spaceships, peace, making new friends, blue raspberry flavor, meditating, and reading.

Dislikes:  Being separated from Shao and Chibi, anyone implying they have to  become Malkite again, conflict, dry environments, drama shows, and needles.

Personality: Koro is very clam and easygoing, preferring to avoid conflict if possible. However, they are known to complain if things don't go their way. Koro is also known to be the most introverted of the trio, but is not intimidated by new people when they're with Shao and Chibi. When separated from Shao and Chibi, Koro becomes very agitated and cranky until they are reunited.

Home: Animal Planet: Star Kingdom

History: Koro, Shao, and Chibi are all from the Star Kingdom, but they were not originally as they are now. The three of them are actually fragments of another character, Malkite, who was split into three beings after an attack from Glades. While they initially all looked identical to Malkite after being split, the three eventually developed very different appearances. The three of them initially had no memory of Malkite or their origin, but have always known they were connected somehow and dislike being separated. Despite being Star Beings, the trio didn't return to the Star Kingdom for quite some time and were found by Sketches and Lightning on a random adventure.

Current-Bio: Koro, Shao, and Chibi are always seen together and are never separated  by choice. After meeting Sketches, Lightning, and friends, the trio occasionally follow them on adventures. Sometimes the trio proclaim that they're "The Pretty Warrior Trio".

Meta-History: Koro was created in 2016, making them one of my newer characters. I initially tried to design them on a design sheet with Shao and Chibi Doodle Spree (bottom left corner) but ended up changing their design slightly. Koro's name was decided pretty earlier one compared to the others. They usually take the form of a humanoid jellyfish creature. It was decided very early on that Koro, Shao, and Chibi were really one characters  split into three. I want to say this was inspired by that Kirby anime episode were Lololo and Lalala find out something similar happened to them, but I might have had some Steven Universe influence too...

Malkite will eventually get a bio, but not yet. I've attempted to design him a few times but nothing feels right yet. I've also been undecided on if the trio are all the same age as Malkite or if they're all 1/3 his age (probably the later).

Relationships with Other Characters:

Shine: Koro is friends with Shine.

Luna: Koro is friends with Luna.

Latin: Koro looks up to Latin.

Malkite: Koro is one of the three fragments of Malkite. It might be possible for them all to become him again...

Shao: Koro and Shao get along very well. As fragments of Malkite, they are best friends.

Chibi: Koro and Chibi get along very well. As fragments of Malkite, they are best friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!