Elise Morison



3 years, 3 months ago


Elise Morison

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 140

Birthday: November 2nd

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Major: Literature

Day of Creation: July 2nd 2019


Elise is generally a very sweet, but anxious person at heart. A shy extrovert, she often spends her time in her dorm room writing poetry or her next novel, playing guitar, or spontaneously conducting in-depth research on random topics she's interested in. She's struggled with mental illness a vast majority of her life, but due to the support of her friends throughout highschool, especially from her girlfriend Jessica, Elise has discovered several coping mechanisms that have helped carry her through the majority of her life. Even though she's reclusive and anxious, she loves talking to others and often confides in close friends, even considered the “glue” of her friend groups, online and offline. Elise often struggles with things like time management, ambition, and motivation, but refuses to let herself get stopped by these things. She’s not gonna just lay down and let her emotions beat her up.

Story Aspects

Dating Jessica

Elise had eyes on Jess right from when they first met. She had a crush on her after she ruined her parents car in a crisis and went to Jessica’s workshop to get it fixed in highschool, and she couldn’t really stop thinking about her since then. After that, she discovered that Jess went to her school and was even in some of her classes, and they started talking more. Almost everything about Jessica just sang to her, her sarcastic quips, her determination flaring in menial tasks, the little peeks she got into her cheerful childhood self, not to mention her hunky muscles. She finally asked her out the summer of junior year and had several heart attacks while doing so.

Childhood friends with Aniyah

One of her first days in Minswood in 4th grade, Elise was having a meltdown in the girls restroom, and Aniyah was in there with her. She slipped a pack of M&M’s into Elises stall to try to help, and Elise was so thankful that she basically attached herself to Aniyah. Turns out, they lived pretty close, so they quickly became best friends.

Distant Closeness with Orion

Elise never really saw Orion too frequently, but they got along just fine. Elise would act as a mediator for Aniyah and his squabbles, but outside of the context of hanging out with his cousin, they mostly just talked and stuck together because, well, that's how it's always been.

Intimidated but likes Theo

She’d only see Theo in passing when Aniyah showed her pictures of her cheerleading days, but was only ever formally introduced to her in early High School. She was initially a little mopey about her for being Aniyah’s OTHER best friend, but she eventually made internal amends and occasionally talked to her. Her raw energy level is a little intense for her, but she still enjoys her company.

Adores Olly

She was in the passenger's seat when they ran Olly over. She yelled at Jess to stop the car, in case the animal had a chance of living, but when she saw it was Olly, she got this intense attachment and desire to keep him for some unknown reason (she subconsciously recognized him as Orion). She gave him his name, and he’s been hiding in her dorm room ever since. She basically treats him as a goofy alien cat.

Retired Emo

She used to go hardcore with emo looks, which she still adores and wears occasionally, but has relaxed with a slightly alt aesthetic

Not a fantastic childhood

She was incredibly shy and wasn’t interested in any extracurriculars, much to the displeasure of her parents. This divide between them only grew as she got older, as she started to question things like religion she was taught as a child and gradually acted out more. This eventually came to a head where she caught her parents discussing sending her to a youth camp. This is when she realized that her parents had basically given up on trying to raise her, so she faked straightening out until she was leaving for college, when she spilled her guts about a week before leaving. She still has a love-hate relationship with her parents, but knows that it's for the best that she chose to live on campus.

Sporadic Tidbits:

Indie pop addict

Currently working at fast food, and canonically worked at papa’s freezeria

Posts acoustic covers online sometimes, they do alright!

She got her choker at hot topic with Jess as her first date, she literally never leaves the house without it now

Her closet consists of ¼ band tees and is a disaster that she can navigate flawlessly

Has interesting mental problems!

Her crises normally consist of approaching deadlines, contemplating mortally and memory, inconveniencing others, and if her life has meaning. They’re terrible at the moment, but once she sleeps on it she's usually fine unless she’s in one of her depressive weeks. When those come along she feels as if nothing matters, her motivation slips away and she almost ceases all function. It’s a lot better than it used to be, though.

She’s generally hyper aware of mental health, in herself and her friends. Psychoanalysis is one of her favorite pastimes. It’s a helpful writing exercise, and it's fun in general!

Gets lost in her thoughts very easily, pinches herself or narrate her actions to keep herself on track

Adores concerts, has an incredibly strong voice from how much she screams at them

Occasionally schedules disney channel style slumber parties with the group

Paranormal FANATIC, the “i want to believe” variety. One of the reasons she loves Olly so much

Voice HC: Penelope Scott

Simultaneously an emotional doormat and jealous, but she knows to keep these things to herself

Loves weird early 2000-2010’s tumblr things, especially furbys like omg dude she would love to have an entire collection or a custom one

Poet (Soldier, Poet, King)

Victorian horror is one of her favorite genres, Including Dracula, Frankenstein, Edgar Allen Poe, but she’s also a fan of cheesy love poems

Picks her fingers, bites her fair, joint cracker

Normally extremely cautious, but when she’s alone she takes more risk since there’s no way for collateral damage and no one can see her screw up

Hates doctors offices, churches, and her old home

Loves coffee shops, her dorm room, and Jess’s house

AWFUL driver

Can’t make anything edible other than drinks and microwave meals