Stanley (The Mysterious Host)



5 years, 18 days ago


He's taken up residence in an old manor, and is seemingly holding an extravagant party for...

All of these... Strangers?

The guests all know him, and he knows them too. He knows them very well, in fact, but they don't know it yet.

"Hello all!" he cheers from the top of the decadent staircase. "You may be wondering what you all have been gathered here tonight for."

His smile is practiced. It is practiced and practiced and practiced. The guests are starting to have an inkling of a bad feeling about this. The gracious host opens his lips again.

"The reason I've invited all of you is..."

Apologies over dinner can be fun, but what about burning up loose ends?

Which is more satisfying?

...We'll just have to find out!

{ tldr: it's stanley if he threw a rousing game of Werewolf in which he's the Werewolf and the Villagers are all of the surviving people he stole identities from and the select loved ones of those who didn't survive. }