Princess Elsie



3 years, 3 months ago


Princess Elsie Morgan

In her original universe, Elsah Paige "Elsie" Morgan was born to the excessively posh King Charles and the more sensible Queen Yvonne Morgan of the micro-nation of Whitecrown, established in a former Iowan no-man's land. Shunned by her peers because of her wealth as well as her slight chubbiness from eating rich royal cuisine, Elsie began reading a musty old book about how to defend herself using kung fu to prove that she could not be restricted by a number on a bank account or weighing scale. Some time after reaching young adulthood, she was abducted by El Marqués Pasquale (say: PASS-kuh-lay), the self-proclaimed arch rival of Sir Robert MacDiarmid/Colonel Knight Rider, who rescued her from his clutches and, with help from Elsie, Nash White, Thanous Ent, and Barnaby "Bomby" Bagels, foiled Pasquale's plans to use the forbidden Emerald of Anubis for destructive ends.

In Wesley Hunt's DeviantArt Extended Universe, Elsie is much more fleshed out as a character. - She begins as a handmaid in the service of Princess Emerald from childhood onwards. - She witnesses the rise of the Dark One called Eschaton at age 8. - She starts reading about politics at age 13 so she can understand how to realize her vision for a free and independent micronation, founded on an Adam Smith-type free-market economy (which has never fully manifested in the United States) and a bicameral legislature, to lead the planet Drodon to freedom. - At about age 15 1/2, she begins training to defend herself from Eschaton's forces under Sensei Takahashi Ruben Nakatomi-Plaza, a master of "the severely underrated and mostly forgotten" (per the sensei's words) martial art Tororu Gyakusatsu, whose name literally means "troll massacre" in Japanese. - On the night before her 18th birthday, she achieves body confidence in the short story "Elsie Grows Up." - Eight months later, she helps the Jolly One Saint Nikolaos come out of hiding to bring toys and other gifts to the less fortunate once again. In the process, she outsmarts Nikolaos's longtime nemesis Krampus so the cleric can execute the demon. - At age 22, she meets Colonel Knight Rider. - Three months later, she joins him as they nomadically wander Drodon working various odd jobs, strengthening their partnership through said trials, and searching for the Orb of DA-Land, which they find in the next six months. - Once in the Orb, Princess Emerald, upon hearing her handmaid's vision for a new micronation, gives Elsie permission to start her own kingdom if she can acquire the funding. - Three months after that, Elsie confesses her romantic feelings for Colonel Knight Rider, who reciprocates with their first kiss before he joins a search for one of the oldest and mightiest knights of Drodon. At the same time, Elsie volunteers to help CKR's family take care of his injured grandmother in his absence. - At the end of that year, she completes establishing her kingdom of Whitecrown, whose financial system CKR, now the Director of the Treasury of Whitecrown, personally designed. - At the start of Season 2, during the uprising of the undead Draugar, she discovers the brooch in her princess dress has hidden magical properties that only Crystallines, or trained gem magicians, can access. She learns that it even allows her to change attire in Season 3.