Tsukki's Comments

hmm so did you have any backstory and stuff for Mizu and Tsukki? I kinda want to rough out Mizu's story even if we don't really do anything big with ether of them--just like my characters to at least have a general storyline mapped out ":D but if you're interested in working on that I'm totally up for doing so!

the only thing I've really thought of so far is Mizu having some sort of immense power he doesn't trust himself with.... his horns are so prominent on his character that they seem like they should be an important part of his character? i kinda want them to be warm to the touch but that's all i have on that.

aa yeah! I didn't ever develop Mizu very much but your idea of him having power that he couldn't trust himself with is pretty much the same as what I had planned, you're free to add whatever you want :0

Tsukki has a 'midnight' form that she can't control, it's basically a Tsukki titan with wispy hair that looks like / blends in with a night sky. My idea for their relationship was that they're able to keep one another from going out of control, I didn't get much farther than that before I went to work on developing my other characters +  and making Karii's backstory

AH and if you want to add in a fight or a moment where they go out of control or something like that, I like the idea of having part of Snowdale destroyed :)

Dude that would be epic! Maybe like, they are both really stressed at some point and their relationship is suffering a tiny bit because of it (just kinda like they're clashing with negativity and both feeling neglected because of it--I think you might know what I mean? a low point) and they have a stress-provoked argument and explode with anger, and as a result it destroys a bit of Snowdale like you said. As consequence, they prolly realise their priorities and what they actually care about, things like what they're stressed about doesn't really matter in the long run? And then they can help rebuild Snowdale together because, well, they destroyed it... plus bonding ;) Maybe as they're rebuilding they're on that awkward-after-a-fight-terms and then eventually one of them says something and they make up ^^

Is there any Snowdale lore I should know for this? I don't actually know a ton about Snowdale :'0

I definitely think that they should realise they can keep each other under control after that--not sure how they'd figure that out, but kind of like they decide to come up with ways they can keep each other from going full crazy mode or something ^^'

ooo I like that idea >:0

Yeah! Snowdale is a small-ish town that's far away from any cities. It's located in a cold taiga and it snows year-round, no one in Snowdale knows why it's always snowing but they're used to it so it doesn't matter to them. In the woods nearby is the gate, a one-way entrance to Arcania, which is a hidden fantasy world with funky creatures, kingdoms, villages, stuff like that. The gate is protected by Neige so anyone who goes in will be trapped in the other world, and the residents of Snowdale keep away from those woods because of that. That's what I've got so far ^^

I am in the love


Tsukii my beloved ❤️