Callisto (Anathema)



1 month, 5 days ago




01 — Profile

Nicknames --
Age 42
Gender female (she/her)
Height hh
Birth SeasonFall
RacE equine
Role  Hidden Mage



  • ---

02 — Personality

- introverted as all hell, namely likes to stay holed up with her telescopes and star maps. being mute, she won't engage that often.


Words: 286


  • --

  • these don't scroll!

  • these don't scroll!
03 — Background

- Pollux was born outside of Ivras, in a country to the northeast, nestled against the coast of the continent. This place was beautiful, and ethereally strange all at once. A civilization that thrived off of knowledge and magic, with libraries scattered around the entire area.

- Pollux was born as a 'Celestial', or that's what they told him. Born with magic on his breath and a strange appearance, to the shock of his very plain parents. He was shipped to the academy where all magic users went to learn. This was a wonderful place, where he met individuals with magic and a thirst for knowledge. 

- The 'Celestials' were deemed rare, a gift from the heavens and deities that the peaceful society surrounded. They were a dying breed, however, and Pollux was the first born in over a hundred years that was so vastly ethereal and unreal looking. They took it as an omen, for the better.

- Pollux grew up academically inclined, and socially inept. Not that he can't or couldn't be social, he was just extremely awkward, and found more solace in books than anything else, even his own magic. This did, however, spark a want to explore and learn all that he could about everything around him.

- The city was purged in a cataclysmic event; a tsunami wiped out the city, and Pollux only survived because he was away. When he returned, there were no survivors, and the city had been half pulled out to sea.

- With his head down, he traveled far, clamming up hard.

- Pollux ended up in Ivras around the year 770. He began to instead catalogue the growing nation's timeline, finding a happiness in being able to write and watch it grow. As Ivras grew and matured, so did Pollux's library. It became a beacon of history, with collections of every happening that he heard of and knew of.

- At the same time, Pollux also wrote several books over time, each one under a different pseudonym. Some were feared, speaking of magics and places that worshiped magic, fictional tellings of beautiful lands and cities. The magic speak spooked many, and he didn't write more until only around 1200.

- His library is the place where all Ivras' knowledge is contained, however, this is almost just a legend. Many don't believe such a place exists, but he's happy to be on his own in a place where no one believes is real.

- Many think his library is just a normal library, and in a way it is. The oldest writings and chronicles are locked deep under the surface, in the darkness of his own magic in a basement that no one finds or knows about. 


04 — Magic

Darkness Manipulation

Power 01


Cost 01


Calix uses their voice as their magic. It's a power of suggestion, a power to tune the soundwaves to be almost irresistible.

Progression of Power


Progression of Discipline
- will be able to tell what mood/emotion someone is in via their 'aura'
- will eventually manage to manipulate the light enough to become invisible to the naked eye
- will be able to throw solidified projectiles of light
will also be able to eventually absorb light around him


  • picking.
04 — LOG

  • ??/?? && ley token to bring him in (veteran mage) - proof
  • ??/?? && 12 stat tokens ( ?? Discipline & ?? Power )- proof



    - purchase ; imbue magic, extended telekinesis, a scythe pff