🐇Principatus Opuntia🌵



3 years, 3 months ago


Principatus Opuntia


NAME Principatus Opuntia, "Opuntia" for short


AGE approx. 300, maturity of about late 20s

RACE/SPECIES Angel, Rabbit/Bunny ears cactus hybrid



A flirty, polite, but pretentious and overdramatic angel of the principality rank.


  • Romance
  • Fancy gardens
  • Being called handsome
  • Protecting others


  • Dead things
  • Dull colors
  • Being disrespected
  • Bugs


  • His full name is his rank in latin (Principatus) and the genus name for prickly pears.
  • The specific type of prickly pears on Opuntia are microdasys, commonly known as bunny ears cactus.
  • Opuntia's birthday is August 9th


  • The buds on the tips of his cactus parts bloom when he is extremely happy.
  • He has no pawpads on his hands or feet, and his teeth do not stick out when his mouth is closed.
  • His wings that are lower on his back are smaller than the top ones.
  • He is 6'7 feet tall.


Principatus Opuntia is an adult angel who presents himself as very polite and intelligent. This isn't entirely a lie, he is quite polite, but he is not very smart. However, what he lacks in common knowledge like science and math, he makes up for in enthusiasm and people skills. Because of his rank he has to interact directly with humans regularly. He excels at this, and always leaves a good impression on those he speaks with. He can be arrogant and pretentious though, looking down on angels not as experienced as him, and seeing himself as the best of his rank. He's often very exaggerated and flamboyant with his emotions.

Opuntia's interactions with humans can sometimes be considered a bit more than just friendly. He has a tendency to flirt with humans. Because of the life cycle difference in angels and humans, though, if he does get a boyfriend he wants to spend as much time with them as possible. A few years in his perspective can be a lifetime for a human. He's experienced heartbreak many times because of this and can be protective and clingy. He's very affectionate and loving, though.


Rank and role

Principatus Opuntia is a principality, or 'princedom' rank angel. These types of angels are lower in the rank hierarchy. They specialize in interacting with directly and protecting humans. They are the only rank of angel that can appear to humans directly, and therefore humans' view of angels is typically formed by them. They have not much power in angel society themselves, but are very powerful to humans. In the event of a demonic invasion of the human world, these angels would be the frontlines in defending mankind. Thus, they are often very well-trained in combat.

Personal history

Opuntia was, like all other principality angels, created by a buildup of strong positive emotion. He follows the typical role of a Principatus angel very well. Opuntia is often complimented on his combat and communication abilities and he's let it go to his head a bit. His mentor, a very esteemed and powerful Seraph, trained him very well. Opuntia likes to tell people he is the best of the principalities. He's never engaged in a full-scale demon war but has fought off his fair share of powerful demons.


Dominatio Taraxacum, a higher ranking angel than Opuntia, has some control over where he goes and what he does. However, he dislikes following her orders and will often go against what she tells him. He thinks he can handle himself and doesn't need a 'old, washed out domination angel' to lead him. This makes her not only very mad at him often but also she worries for his safety often. Tara cares about Opuntia but isn't the best at showing it and he believes she's just a grumpy old lady trying to tell him what to do.

Virtus Lonicera "Big brother"

Virtus Lonicera is a bit lower in rank than Opuntia, and also a lot younger than him. She loves Opuntia as one loves an older sibling, and always wants to hang out with him. He thinks Loni is a bit annoying and sometimes isn't afraid to tell her this, but they usually get along very well. She loves to secretly follow him around the mortal world without permission, even into potentially dangerous scenarios. Opuntia also loves Loni very much and sees her as a younger sibling, but doesn't want to admit this out of some sense of needing to be aloof and 'cool'.