Patcha's Comments

i bet she has a soft voice!

i read the voice lines she has and i was wondering if it would bother you if i also gave my character voice lines? wanted to ask because i saw you do it first! :eyes:

Hello! I'll send Patcha over!

I do voice lines based off fandoms (when applicable) and most of my characters have voicelines regardless if theyre in a fandom or not! They do take up some time as I think carefully about them, and I plan to do requests for others in the future! I'm also a voice actress so I like to voice my ocs! :D

What kind of voicelines were you thinking? (Battle, general, quotes? etc) and for which character? I'll be needing info about their personality and backstory and how they speak so I can be as accurate as I can! :)

Oh and please do credit me for them if you put them on your character profile/anywhere else!