Stepstone Coe



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Stepstone Coe (Prefers Coe) 

Age: Adult  

Abilities: control over fire, create fire out of thin air, enhanced  strength, quick healing 

Personality: Coe is a reserved and taciturn cat. He appears stern and  cold and does try to preserve this facade but that doesn't mean he's  anywhere nearly heartless. He cares deeply about friends and family,  especially his cousins, Darkmoon and Shyshie, even though they drive him  crazy with their teasing sometimes. He just struggles on when and how  to express affection and feels embarrassed with anything more an a  friendly pat on the shoulder. He is also very hardworking and prefers to  be on his feet working with his hands rather than anything that  requires him to sit still. He also has a tendency to break his toes, which is annoying, but not a  big deal because they heal within minutes