Ava White



3 years, 3 months ago


Age: 19

Sex: Female

Gender: Female 

Species: Human 

Ultimate: Judge

Fandom: Danganronpa

Personality: Ava is a rather serious individual. During trials she can come off as poker faced, though it's simply that she has a hard time expressing emotions. Her rulings are always true to what she believes the verdict to be, and she often worries about whether she's wrongly declared an innocent guilty. Basically, she is serious, hard to read, and just. 

Backstory: She has been raised strictly to fulfill the role of Judge by her parents, and as such was able to become one at such a young age. Her parents, both judges, are rather strict on her. They see her as a way to continue their legacy more than their child. She doesn't seem to mind though, not knowing anything different. Her left arm was crushed in a bad car crash, and had to be amputated in the end.