
6 years, 11 months ago



Please allow me to introduce myself,
I'm a man of wealth and taste.
I've been around for a long, long year,
Stole many a man's soul and faith.

(Sympathy For The Devil)


Born in Sigil to a genasi prostitute and an unnamed efreeti, Etienne (no last name ever provided) is especially odd- but good-looking representative of his kind.
Travelling cities and sometimes even realms, Etienne presented himself as charming and gallant man. However, in a more private atmosphere, when there's no need to pretend, he shows his nature. He is a fire genasi (a mix between a human and an efreeti), and as any fire, he is burning, he is hurting, he blazes and explodes easily, and with no fuel to devour, he calms down with ease as well. Emotional and at times uncontrollable, he makes a poor ally... if there's nothing of value at stake.

|a bit about sigil 
Also known as The City of Doors, Sigil (in Dungeons&Dragons) in a giant city on the edge of the universes. Although Etienne is long since left it, it can be used as a plot point at any moment. This is the place where portals to any dimension can open at any given time in any door- or window frame, thus allowing for the character to accidentally be thrown into any existing universe, if the plot so suggests.


In modern fantasy, Etienne keeps his basic backstory, given realms and planes of existence are provided in the lore; or, alternatively, was a child of the biggest criminal city in the world, nowadays being a rather popular singer, which, no doubt, is occasionally hitting him in the head.
He still, however, rather simple, preferring to walk the streets instead of driving, and easily talks to the fans. 


|the looks 
For his species, he's an extremely short individual, being merely 5'11'', with a 6'3'' being a middle height for males, and 6' for females. He has angular features, that look much like if they were roughly chopped from the wood, and a toned/athletic build, with wide shoulders and wide waist that make him look clumsier than he usually is. Real-life looks - in case you require those - are very close to those of Henrik Fallenius. With somewhat inhumane body - torso and arms being longer, feet having opposed thumbs, and wide, animalistic neck - he's covered with rough growths on the outer part of his body, adding to his firey visage.
He often goes with tight, often - leather, pants, and some bright and almost flamboyant shirts to attract attention, which is needed in his line of work. He is never seen without his dirty-yellow neckerchief, and rarely takes off two golden earrings. All and all, his choice of wardrobe contrasts too much with him manly, rough personality and extremely low voice.

|hair, body temperature, and other questionable stuff 
Etienne's body temperature is extremely high: for a more real-life refence, his skin is just a little hotter of that of a cat, while his insides, including blood, are almost of the temperature of the boiling water (so such things as, say, deep kissing, are very questionable).
Etienne has no facial or body hair whatsoever, even including eyelashes or eyebrows, however, he has fire-like hair. Although it looks much like fire, it's not one - it is, in fact, black at roots hair of such extreme temperature, that it turns glowing-red or orange at the middle of the length, and is lighter than air, so, it acts not unlike real fire. When wet, it just looks like dyed hair. It's better not to touch it.
As most genasi and efreeti, his bones are of red colour, which also includes nails and teeth. Thus, he nearly never shows them while smiling, as it usually scares people off. 

|the voice 
Etienne is a minstrel/singer, and thus, he has well-trained, low voice that is easily heard even in rumbling crowd. That doesn't mean he speaks loudly, but has a certain trained ring to it, which makes it stand out and be heard well. He speaks with a hard to pinpoint accent, making his "T" and "R" sounds harder, and "O" sounds deeper, with fire-like rustling behind the words.
His singing voice is a little higher, and devoid of accents. Reference: chorus here (at 00:43)