


3 years, 3 months ago


Lizzie Scarlet Halo is a 21-year old British girl who has had a very rough childhood. She grew up with her alcoholic mother Scarlet, who accidentally give her father Christian brain damage when she was two years old. He died when she was 5. Then, when she was 9 & for the next few years, she was abused constantly by another man that her mother was seeing & was so scared to tell her mother about this; in fact the trauma from this caused her to attempt suicide when she was 12. 

However, when she was 14 & finally heading to high school, she met Carrie, who she would eventually become best friends with & who was the one who encouraged Liz to own up about her abuse to her mother. Her mother ended calling the police on her boyfriend & he was convicted of abusing her. It was this experience that caused Liz to make peace with her mother & her mother had also made the decision to stop drinking & has been sober for years now. Since she & Carrie met, they would often visit each other after high school & head to the park & sometimes on a Friday, to the cinema.

When they started college, she & Carrie became roommates & now they are as happy as can be. Liz is studying dance, where as Carrie is studying art. It seems as if Liz & Carrie have romantic feelings for one another, but neither are sure when or if they wanna own up to it... at least not yet.

When she was younger, Liz was an avid eater, especially when she was abused, because she felt eating a lot would help her to try & forget what was happening. Because she ate so much, she was very insecure about her body, but a year into high school, she found a love of exercising, keeping fit & going to the gym, but every now & then, she will still enjoy an unhealthy treat when she feels like it, especially if it's her favourite - cheesecake. Her favourite hobby is dancing. She is terrified of heights. Her favourite colour is red. She came out as bisexual when she was 16. She was also born prematurely & almost died due to severe breathing problems. Her birthday is December 3rd.

Liz is free-spirited, fun-loving, kind-hearted & will just about brighten anybody's day.